The introduction of bullet-proof plastic bottles house

Tourists rush to a village in northern Nigeria to see the first house is made from plastic bottles and sand. Development Association, Nigeria Renewable energy development "bottle house" first piece of land by a Greek business owners in the village of Yelwa, Kaduna State, Nigeria. Workers poured sand into the bottle and then place them stacked in a horizontal position. They then mounted the bottle with mud.The house has a living room, a bedroom, a kitchen, toilet and shower. It uses about 7,800 plastic bottles discarded materials to create it, BBC said.

Several hundred people, including government officials, arrived in the village of Yelwa to see the house. They learn how to build a wall in an arc - a common wall in northern Nigeria. Wall brings real beauty to the house. 25 similar houses in the village of Yelwa will grow and people can rent them. The background of the houses are made of cement.Hotels and restaurants that supply plastic bottles. Many homeless children are hired to stuffed sand into plastic bottles.

Technical buildings with plastic bottles released nine years ago in India, South America and Central America. The houses are constructed of plastic bottles can not replace the tile, but also provide many benefits to the environment. Yahaya Ahmed, an expert of the Association of Renewable energy development in Nigeria, said the plastic bottle costs only up by one third compared to the same size but are built of brick and cement. Moreover, it has a lot more durable.

After completing 25 houses bottles, Development Association Nigeria Renewable energy will continue to use plastic bottles and sand to build a school for homeless children in the village of Yelwa.

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