In an exhibition of installation art, young female artist Miru Kim to cause shocked by nude and live with ... pigs during 104 hours continuously.

In an art exhibition called Art Basel Miami 2011, female artist Miru Kim led many visitors actually shocked naked and living with two pigs during 104 hours continuously.

Explaining the performance "one of a kind" his Miru Kim said: "For visitors, I want people to pay more attention to the environment during industrialization. As for myself, I was particularly impressed with the pigs. They are very sensitive and intelligent. The first time I walked into their habitats, they immediately react curiosity or fear. "

Reportedly, this is not the first time Miru Kim lived with pigs in a state of nudity. Before some time, the public had seen the pictures former South Korean female medical students live among pig herds but this is the first time, visitors to witness Miru Kim accommodation with pigs in 4 days on.

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