As a youth worker who spends a lot of time with teenage girls, I’m rarely shocked by the sexual experimentation teens engage in. I’ve heard it all, but a new study from Boston University’s School of Public Health reveals a new trend that even I found shocking.

The study found that 1 in 13 teenage girls aged 14-20 years old had been involved in a group-sex experience. Even more disturbing (but not too altogether shocking), more than half of those who had reported engaging in group-sex were pressured or forced to do so. In fact, the majority of teen girls who had experienced group-sex reported being pressured, threatened, coerced, or forced to do so at least once.

Here are some additional findings from those teen girls who reported being involved in group-sex:

    45% reported a lack of condom use by a male participant
    21% had had multiple group-sex encounters
    One-third had used alcohol or drugs prior to their most recent experience (half saying that their alcohol or drug use was not voluntary)
    54% of teens were younger than 16 (meaning in Massachusetts their sexual partners where violating state laws regarding age of consent)

The study also found a strong association between exposure to pornography and group-sex experience. Those teen girls who had seen pornography in the past month were approximately five times as likely as those who had not seen pornography to report ever having had a group-sex experience.

Clearly their needs to be more research regarding group-sex among teenagers as it is happening, and more often than not with girls under 16 who are being forced to do so. Need there be any more proof that comprehensive sexual education should be a mandated requirement for all teenagers?

What do you think? Were you surprised by the study’s findings?

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