Recently, reports went out that Heidi KlumHeidi Klum and Seal were separating. But, now it appears there may be a little light at the end of the tunnel for the famous couple.

Will Ms. Klum and Seal restore their marriage of eight years? Will it be Project Runaway or is there a chance for them to reunite?

Seal sure is giving some hints that their union may still have some life left in it.

As a guest on CNN's "Piers Morgan Tonight," the singer opened up in a way that proved his commitment, honor and respect for his wife.

First of all, he said he's not taking off his wedding band, “I'm still wearing my wedding ring because I am still married to this incredible woman,” he explained. "It stands for respect, it stands for loyalty, it stands for incredible memories. And it stands for these four little miracles, and Heidi making five, that have come into my life over the past eight years.”

Pressures in their marriage come in many forms which could have been the catalysts to pop the lid off the cooker. Think about it, a beautiful model who hosts a popular reality show, "Project Runway," then we have a famous singer trying to work around their schedules.

Next, there is the matter of four children with ages ranging from 2-years to 7-years-old. We all know children are a blessing, but lets face it, there's a lot of work and patience involved no matter how much money or nanny's are helping out.

Finally, we have the matter of highs and lows with real events we each face regularly due to a thing called "life."

Highs can be great, but just like the law of gravity proves, what goes up must come down. Currently, the couple is on the downside of the relationship. But does that really mean it's over?

Personally, I believe if the two love each other they can truly work it out, and sometimes a little time apart can help a couple realize how much they do have together and do not want to lose.

When Mr. Morgan asked the British singer if he thought there was still a chance, Seal said, “My love has not waned one iota. I love her with all my heart--how can you not love somebody who you have just spent eight years with?”

Then to even give us hopeless romantics out here in the stands cheering for their reconciliation, Seal practically says it's not over with, "You can never say never,” he replied. “I can't speak for my wife and I'm not going to sit here and BS you and tell you we haven't had problems. Of course we have had problems, otherwise why have we split up?”

The thing about the interview that must be noted is Seal handled the interview with class. He could have taken the "I hate her mode." He could have slung a little mud or made a few nasty, negative comments about her, but he only had positive, uplifting words about his wife.

I don't know about you, but after Seal's behavior I think Heidi should take a second look. What do you think?

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