"Kris Humphries asked the annulment of the marriage with the diva of the television, which lasted only three months. Their marriage was one of the best media of the year, but honeymoon was short-lived."

The basketball player accused his ex-partner using her marriage only as a sunset scene for her television show, according to TMZ. While he had intentions to bet on a genuine marriage, she really thought how to add audience.

With less than three months of marriage, Kim decided to secede from Humprhies because she was"not" what she had expected. Prior to the Yes on the altar, a millionaire prenuptial contract was signed that if the athlete wants to rescind. However, little so it would hurt, given that they do not share any property or bank account.

For her part, Kardashian told her friends that she never misled her ex to marry him. Apparently, the model loved to truth to Humphries, but changed her mind quickly.

She also denied that the double cancellation is possible because the State of California only recognizes as reasons "impotence, incest, bigamy, mental insanidad, violence and fraud".

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