Government regulators are sharing some alarming information about Facebook. They say that Facebook failed to keep privacy promises and deceived its customers. The unflattering portrait of Facebook's privacy practices emerged Tuesday in a Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

The FTC put out a statement last night in which it said that the social networking website had promised that it will secure the information of its users by keeping it secretive but at the same time, it repeatedly allowed the personal information to be shared and made it public on various accounts. FTC noted that these actions were not fair, deceptive and breached federal law.

The Federal Trade Commission has also given the social networking website settlement requirements that require to follow steps that assure that it does not exposes and breaches the information of those using the social networking website, without giving them before-hand notice and keeping their consent in regard.

Some of the complaints against Facebook that has been raised by FTC include changing of the website by Facebook in 2009 that some changes were made to the profile of users which turned their previously altered things which were private as public. The users were not warned of the changes at all. FTC also noted, amongst a list of other privacy breaches done by Facebook, that the 3rd party applications use personal data/all data of users rather than the information it just needs and the users who play these 3rd party applications or use other kinds of such applications, were not aware of it.

The social networking website also had a program by the name of Verified Apps and it was claimed by Facebook that is certified the security rights of the participating applications, when it actually didn’t. The FTC pointed out many other things as well in its report against Facebook. Users haven’t been too happy with the change of settings done by Facebook every now and then, which leaves their privacy to be manipulated in some way or the other.

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