Seal isn't the only one clinging to symbols of his crumbling marriage -- Heidi Klum was also still wearing her wedding ring yesterday in L.A ... but with a twist.
The pic was snapped as Heidi was leaving the set of "Germany's Next Top Model" (yes, it's shot in LA) -- and she was still sporting either her wedding band ... or her engagement ring. If it was the engagement ring though, Heidi was hiding the giant diamond.
It's the first time we've seen Heidi's face since news broke about her split from her husband -- her full face at least.
Whoo Kid talks about an incident that took place on the night of Kanye West's now infamous car accident.
Through all of the years in DJ Whoo Kid's career, he's been involved in the careers of several emcees. During a video series for ThisIs50, Whoo Kid decided to speak on some interesting events he's been a part of. In the latest clip, he talks about his work with Kanye West before West's now infamous car accident and before his rise in the music industry.
In the video, Whoo Kid talks about how Kanye tried to impress Ludacris, only to have Luda pick a different producer's beat.
"It was me, Beanie Siegel, Kanye and 3H. We were all in the studio and Luda was in town. He fucking came to the studio and was like, 'I gotta go to fuckin' L.A.X. so I gotta do the verse [quickly].' So, what happened was Kanye saw Luda and he's a fan. So, Kanye goes in the booth and he's rapping [mimics Kanye]. Like, he was rapping for like an hour. Luda didn't know Kanye that well at the time so Luda was like, 'What the fuck is going on? I came to do this song. Yo, Whoo Kid, I'm here to do your shit. I'm out of here.' I got nervous because I really wanted to get this shit done. I was like, 'What? You leaving?' I ran in there like, 'What you doing, [Kanye]? Get out there and play that beat, yo!' So Kanye's looking crazy. What made it worse is, by the time he got out there, Luda picked a Red Spyda beat."
Whoo Kid says he wasn't really impressed with West's rhymes "at the time," but filmed him to get Kanye away from Ludacris. He shares that Kanye filmed a few of his College Dropout verses, before getting into his car. According to Whoo Kid, he got into his car "heated." A few moments later, Whoo Kid says he heard that Kanye West was involved in "the accident."
Whoo Kid says he felt he angered him, possibly causing him to drive with speed. "Life is fucked up," he added.
In the videos filmed by Whoo Kid, West also said he was ahead of his time with fashion and predicted that he would be at the top of the game with Jay-Z. More from the interview can be seen below.
Through all of the years in DJ Whoo Kid's career, he's been involved in the careers of several emcees. During a video series for ThisIs50, Whoo Kid decided to speak on some interesting events he's been a part of. In the latest clip, he talks about his work with Kanye West before West's now infamous car accident and before his rise in the music industry.
In the video, Whoo Kid talks about how Kanye tried to impress Ludacris, only to have Luda pick a different producer's beat.
"It was me, Beanie Siegel, Kanye and 3H. We were all in the studio and Luda was in town. He fucking came to the studio and was like, 'I gotta go to fuckin' L.A.X. so I gotta do the verse [quickly].' So, what happened was Kanye saw Luda and he's a fan. So, Kanye goes in the booth and he's rapping [mimics Kanye]. Like, he was rapping for like an hour. Luda didn't know Kanye that well at the time so Luda was like, 'What the fuck is going on? I came to do this song. Yo, Whoo Kid, I'm here to do your shit. I'm out of here.' I got nervous because I really wanted to get this shit done. I was like, 'What? You leaving?' I ran in there like, 'What you doing, [Kanye]? Get out there and play that beat, yo!' So Kanye's looking crazy. What made it worse is, by the time he got out there, Luda picked a Red Spyda beat."
Whoo Kid says he wasn't really impressed with West's rhymes "at the time," but filmed him to get Kanye away from Ludacris. He shares that Kanye filmed a few of his College Dropout verses, before getting into his car. According to Whoo Kid, he got into his car "heated." A few moments later, Whoo Kid says he heard that Kanye West was involved in "the accident."
Whoo Kid says he felt he angered him, possibly causing him to drive with speed. "Life is fucked up," he added.
In the videos filmed by Whoo Kid, West also said he was ahead of his time with fashion and predicted that he would be at the top of the game with Jay-Z. More from the interview can be seen below.
As an important part of the woman's body, the vagina requires as much attention to hygiene as do other parts of the body to help maintain overall good health. Unfortunately, since the vagina is an embarrassing subject among many women, it is often neglected of basic care. Here is a simple guide to keeping the vagina at least relatively healthy.
1.KEEP HEALTHY: This may seem like a no brainer -- keep healthy to keep a healthy vagina. For this you need to minimize sugar intake, and maximize yogurt intake. Why yogurt? Simple, really. The bacteria in your vagina is a certain type that is in only a couple of foods that you can find in the grocery store. It just so happens, though, that yogurt contains good bacteria called acidophilus. Sugar, meanwhile, promotes the type of bacteria that the yogurt bacterias, if you will, try to kill off. So, as said before, minimize sugar, and maximize yogurt, sugar-free preferably.
2. KEEP YOURSELF CLEAN: A large cause of infections happen simply because sweat or oils built up until there was nothing for it to do except fester and form an infection. Never fun. So bathe and shower regularly, and try and keep "down there" as clean as possible, without using a douche. Douches clean too much-- they take away some of the bad bacteria, but then they also take away massive amounts of the good bacteria. Unfortunately, the bad bacteria builds itself up, and you're worse off than before. Douching can also lead to increased inflammation (vaginitis). [1] A simple washcloth, with a small amount of mild unscented soap and water works fine, but do not wash inside. [2] The vagina is constantly flushing itself. So allow it to work the way it was designed.
3. USE CONDOME! Condoms, while helping to protect you against pregnancy, also help keep your vagina clean. Having unprotected sex often can lead to vagina problems as well as the obvious pregnancy and STDs.
4. Use dental dams and gloves If you receive oral sex or are being fingered.
5. WEAR COTTON UNDERWEAR: Cotton is very breathable, if you will, and allows the vagina to get air circulating around it. This helps to keep things from building up "down there", and also helps maintain good skin around the vagina area.
6. TAKE OUT YOUR OLD TAMPONS: Leaving a tampon in your vagina too long, more than six hours, is a very bad idea. It can cause a toxic syndrome (TSS), as well as some very disgusting build up. Use smaller size and change sooner. Changing out pads often is also a good idea-- leaving a pad on too long can cause serious irritation to the skin on and around the vagina like diaper rash! So keep the diaper rash at bay, and change your pad throughout the day.
7. AVOID SPRAYS AND SCENTED SOAPS: Actually, try and avoid soaps "down there" as much as possible. They can get caught in the crevices of the vagina and fester. And you have an infection of the vagina in no time at all. Sprays and scented soaps, though, are more damaging, as they are designed to leave a bit behind-- the scent, and you don't want anything left on the skin of your vagina at all. Soaps and bubble baths can also worsen vaginal dryness.
8. VISIT YOUR GYNECOLOGIST REGULARLY: Only your doctor can accurately diagnose any problems you may be having. If you do suspect anything at all, call and make an appointment as soon as you can.
Keep a mature mind when following the above steps. Keeping a healthy vagina is part of a regular hygiene regimen.
If you suffer from vaginal dryness, you can use over-the-counter moisturizers and lubricants to make intercourse more comfortable.
If you think you have a yeast infection, consult your doctor first before initiating self-treatment. According to the Mayo Clinic, there are several conditions, some of them serious, with similar symptoms. Over-the-counter treatments usually work against yeast but won't treat similar vaginal problems that are commonly mistaken for yeast infections like vaginitis, chlamydia and and trichomoniasis.
Getting an STD test both you and your partner(s) is a great way to know for sure if you have anything. Don't be chicken, your health depends on it.
If you do contract an STD, deal with it as soon as possible. STDs that are not dealt with can cause serious problems down the road.
If you experience irregular vaginal bleeding -- small amounts of blood between periods, bleeding for weeks at a time or soaking a maxi-pad an hour over the course of several hours -- see your doctor. You could be suffering from a number of diseases or conditions.
If you have problems with persistent vaginal odor (especially a "fishy" smell), consult your doctor. It could be vaginitis.
1.KEEP HEALTHY: This may seem like a no brainer -- keep healthy to keep a healthy vagina. For this you need to minimize sugar intake, and maximize yogurt intake. Why yogurt? Simple, really. The bacteria in your vagina is a certain type that is in only a couple of foods that you can find in the grocery store. It just so happens, though, that yogurt contains good bacteria called acidophilus. Sugar, meanwhile, promotes the type of bacteria that the yogurt bacterias, if you will, try to kill off. So, as said before, minimize sugar, and maximize yogurt, sugar-free preferably.
2. KEEP YOURSELF CLEAN: A large cause of infections happen simply because sweat or oils built up until there was nothing for it to do except fester and form an infection. Never fun. So bathe and shower regularly, and try and keep "down there" as clean as possible, without using a douche. Douches clean too much-- they take away some of the bad bacteria, but then they also take away massive amounts of the good bacteria. Unfortunately, the bad bacteria builds itself up, and you're worse off than before. Douching can also lead to increased inflammation (vaginitis). [1] A simple washcloth, with a small amount of mild unscented soap and water works fine, but do not wash inside. [2] The vagina is constantly flushing itself. So allow it to work the way it was designed.
3. USE CONDOME! Condoms, while helping to protect you against pregnancy, also help keep your vagina clean. Having unprotected sex often can lead to vagina problems as well as the obvious pregnancy and STDs.
4. Use dental dams and gloves If you receive oral sex or are being fingered.
5. WEAR COTTON UNDERWEAR: Cotton is very breathable, if you will, and allows the vagina to get air circulating around it. This helps to keep things from building up "down there", and also helps maintain good skin around the vagina area.
6. TAKE OUT YOUR OLD TAMPONS: Leaving a tampon in your vagina too long, more than six hours, is a very bad idea. It can cause a toxic syndrome (TSS), as well as some very disgusting build up. Use smaller size and change sooner. Changing out pads often is also a good idea-- leaving a pad on too long can cause serious irritation to the skin on and around the vagina like diaper rash! So keep the diaper rash at bay, and change your pad throughout the day.
7. AVOID SPRAYS AND SCENTED SOAPS: Actually, try and avoid soaps "down there" as much as possible. They can get caught in the crevices of the vagina and fester. And you have an infection of the vagina in no time at all. Sprays and scented soaps, though, are more damaging, as they are designed to leave a bit behind-- the scent, and you don't want anything left on the skin of your vagina at all. Soaps and bubble baths can also worsen vaginal dryness.
8. VISIT YOUR GYNECOLOGIST REGULARLY: Only your doctor can accurately diagnose any problems you may be having. If you do suspect anything at all, call and make an appointment as soon as you can.
Keep a mature mind when following the above steps. Keeping a healthy vagina is part of a regular hygiene regimen.
If you suffer from vaginal dryness, you can use over-the-counter moisturizers and lubricants to make intercourse more comfortable.
If you think you have a yeast infection, consult your doctor first before initiating self-treatment. According to the Mayo Clinic, there are several conditions, some of them serious, with similar symptoms. Over-the-counter treatments usually work against yeast but won't treat similar vaginal problems that are commonly mistaken for yeast infections like vaginitis, chlamydia and and trichomoniasis.
Getting an STD test both you and your partner(s) is a great way to know for sure if you have anything. Don't be chicken, your health depends on it.
If you do contract an STD, deal with it as soon as possible. STDs that are not dealt with can cause serious problems down the road.
If you experience irregular vaginal bleeding -- small amounts of blood between periods, bleeding for weeks at a time or soaking a maxi-pad an hour over the course of several hours -- see your doctor. You could be suffering from a number of diseases or conditions.
If you have problems with persistent vaginal odor (especially a "fishy" smell), consult your doctor. It could be vaginitis.
Why men cheat on women is an age-old question. The reasons why men cheat on women can be varied. Nevertheless, we have compiled a list of the top ten reasons why both married and unmarried men cheat. Sometimes their reasons don’t even involve you and it’s simply an ego-based decision. Other times, reasons why men cheat can involve you and your relationship, or lack thereof.
So why do some men cheat in relationships? Almost all men know that cheating is wrong, yet many they still do it. Men will blame their reasons for cheating on their genes and their necessity to reproduce. However, aren’t we suppose to be further evolved than a chimp? Shouldn’t we be able to control our bodies through our minds and conscious decisions? Apparently not always.
Here are the top ten reasons why men cheat:
1. Because they had the option.
The old saying “men are only as faithful as their options” can sometimes ring true. Men don’t get offered sex as often as women so when the opportunity does arise, it can be very difficult for them to turn it down.
2. It boosts their ego.
Sometimes men no longer feel like they are attractive to the opposite sex and when a woman shows some interest, not only does a man react, he may allow her to stroke his ego and more. There is nothing like the thrill of the chase to men on the hunt. When they are finally rewarded for their efforts, their egos swell even larger.
3. You grow apart.
Maybe the two of you didn’t have as much in common as you thought. He’s met a woman who has more in common with him who loves football or plays golf. He may check out if he is compatible with her under the sheets also.
4. You argue a lot.
Men will sometimes cheat to get away from an overly critical or argumentative partner. Who wants to be around someone who is constantly on them about something.
5. They have fallen out of love.
Sometimes men become so comfortable in a relationship, they don’t know how to get out. They may be staying in the relationship because of children or financial reasons. However, they feel like they are missing out on love and may seek it out elsewhere. In their mind, this is as close to win-win as they can get.
6. Your sex life stinks.
If a man has a disinterested partner or isn’t getting enough sex to fulfill him, there is a good chance he will have an affair. Just because you have a husband or boyfriend, does not mean you can stop trying. It takes a little bit of effort to keep your sex life from becoming boring and non-existent. Some men cheat because they want to try new sexual things that their current partner will not try.
7. To get revenge.
A man will sometimes cheat if he finds out his partner was cheating on him. How else is he supposed to heal those hurt feelings of his but through good old-fashioned sex?
8. It’s new, different and exciting.
Some men get tired of having steak for dinner every night and want to try a hamburger. The same goes for sex with a woman. That’s why men don’t necessarily always cheat with women who are more attractive than their partners.
9. To see if they can get away with it.
If a man has the attitude of “what she doesn’t know, won’t hurt her,” he may cheat to see if he is sneaky and smart enough to get away with it. However, with all the advancement in surveillance spy ware, getting caught has now become easier than ever.
10. Because you have allowed it in the past.
If you have forgiven a cheating man a couple of times, they are more than likely going to cheat again because they already know if they plead enough, you will forgive them.
Reasons why men cheat can be more complex than the above list or even be a combination of a few different reasons. Nevertheless, no reason is good enough reason to lie and be dishonest. After all, Karma can be a bitch.
So why do some men cheat in relationships? Almost all men know that cheating is wrong, yet many they still do it. Men will blame their reasons for cheating on their genes and their necessity to reproduce. However, aren’t we suppose to be further evolved than a chimp? Shouldn’t we be able to control our bodies through our minds and conscious decisions? Apparently not always.
Here are the top ten reasons why men cheat:
1. Because they had the option.
The old saying “men are only as faithful as their options” can sometimes ring true. Men don’t get offered sex as often as women so when the opportunity does arise, it can be very difficult for them to turn it down.
2. It boosts their ego.
Sometimes men no longer feel like they are attractive to the opposite sex and when a woman shows some interest, not only does a man react, he may allow her to stroke his ego and more. There is nothing like the thrill of the chase to men on the hunt. When they are finally rewarded for their efforts, their egos swell even larger.
3. You grow apart.
Maybe the two of you didn’t have as much in common as you thought. He’s met a woman who has more in common with him who loves football or plays golf. He may check out if he is compatible with her under the sheets also.
4. You argue a lot.
Men will sometimes cheat to get away from an overly critical or argumentative partner. Who wants to be around someone who is constantly on them about something.
5. They have fallen out of love.
Sometimes men become so comfortable in a relationship, they don’t know how to get out. They may be staying in the relationship because of children or financial reasons. However, they feel like they are missing out on love and may seek it out elsewhere. In their mind, this is as close to win-win as they can get.
6. Your sex life stinks.
If a man has a disinterested partner or isn’t getting enough sex to fulfill him, there is a good chance he will have an affair. Just because you have a husband or boyfriend, does not mean you can stop trying. It takes a little bit of effort to keep your sex life from becoming boring and non-existent. Some men cheat because they want to try new sexual things that their current partner will not try.
7. To get revenge.
A man will sometimes cheat if he finds out his partner was cheating on him. How else is he supposed to heal those hurt feelings of his but through good old-fashioned sex?
8. It’s new, different and exciting.
Some men get tired of having steak for dinner every night and want to try a hamburger. The same goes for sex with a woman. That’s why men don’t necessarily always cheat with women who are more attractive than their partners.
9. To see if they can get away with it.
If a man has the attitude of “what she doesn’t know, won’t hurt her,” he may cheat to see if he is sneaky and smart enough to get away with it. However, with all the advancement in surveillance spy ware, getting caught has now become easier than ever.
10. Because you have allowed it in the past.
If you have forgiven a cheating man a couple of times, they are more than likely going to cheat again because they already know if they plead enough, you will forgive them.
Reasons why men cheat can be more complex than the above list or even be a combination of a few different reasons. Nevertheless, no reason is good enough reason to lie and be dishonest. After all, Karma can be a bitch.
Birdman says that Weezy has finished recording the sequel to his 2010 release.
Following the release of his double platinum LP Tha Carter IV, Lil Wayne is turning I Am Not a Human Being into a series.
During an interview with Complex, Cash Money CEO Birdman said that Wayne plans on dropping the sequel to his Human Being album this summer. "Wayne’s got an album he’s about to drop real soon. Its called I Am Not a Human Being 2. It’s gonna be before the summer for sure. We haven’t picked the date yet," he said. "Whenever he’s ready to drop his album, we’re gonna make it do what it do. He’s definitely got an album done and ready to go. Wayne works a lot. There’s no telling [if Rebirth 2 will happen]. But I know for sure we’ve got I Am Not a Human Being 2 ready to go. That’s the next project.”
Additionally, Baby said that he is finished recording the sequel to his collaborative LP with Weezy, Like Father, Like Son 2, and plans on releasing a solo album.
"We got [Like Father, Like Son 2] finished too. We’ve been recording that. We never stopped recording [for] that. We got songs we want. When we get ready to drop it, we’ll probably do that in the 4th quarter. Wayne wants to do the I Am Not a Human Being 2 and I want to do my solo album too, so we’ll probably do that later on.”
Following the release of his double platinum LP Tha Carter IV, Lil Wayne is turning I Am Not a Human Being into a series.
During an interview with Complex, Cash Money CEO Birdman said that Wayne plans on dropping the sequel to his Human Being album this summer. "Wayne’s got an album he’s about to drop real soon. Its called I Am Not a Human Being 2. It’s gonna be before the summer for sure. We haven’t picked the date yet," he said. "Whenever he’s ready to drop his album, we’re gonna make it do what it do. He’s definitely got an album done and ready to go. Wayne works a lot. There’s no telling [if Rebirth 2 will happen]. But I know for sure we’ve got I Am Not a Human Being 2 ready to go. That’s the next project.”
Additionally, Baby said that he is finished recording the sequel to his collaborative LP with Weezy, Like Father, Like Son 2, and plans on releasing a solo album.
"We got [Like Father, Like Son 2] finished too. We’ve been recording that. We never stopped recording [for] that. We got songs we want. When we get ready to drop it, we’ll probably do that in the 4th quarter. Wayne wants to do the I Am Not a Human Being 2 and I want to do my solo album too, so we’ll probably do that later on.”
DMX had the plane ride from Hell last night -- throwing up all the way from Miami to Charlotte, and then rushing straight to the hospital after landing.
According to DMX, he had some "bad shrimp" at his baby mama's house in Miami before he got on a plane -- commercial -- and then spent most of the flight tossing his cookies in the lavatory.
X tells us ... as soon as he touched down he went to Gastonia Memorial Hospital outside of Charlotte ... by limousine. Puking, but still balling!!
X spent about four hours getting treatment in the emergency room, and then was sent home.
No limo ride home though. A friend picked him up.
According to DMX, he had some "bad shrimp" at his baby mama's house in Miami before he got on a plane -- commercial -- and then spent most of the flight tossing his cookies in the lavatory.
X tells us ... as soon as he touched down he went to Gastonia Memorial Hospital outside of Charlotte ... by limousine. Puking, but still balling!!
X spent about four hours getting treatment in the emergency room, and then was sent home.
No limo ride home though. A friend picked him up.
Lindsay Lohan has been sued by a nanny who claims LiLo creamed her in a Maserati.
The accident occurred in September, 2010. TMZ broke the story ... a witness claimed he saw Lindsay run a red light in her sports car in West Hollywood, hitting a nanny who was pushing a stroller across the intersection.
The witness claimed 3 of the 4 wheels on the stroller became airborne. The child wasn't injured but the nanny -- Nubia Del Carmen Preza -- claims she was, and that's why she is suing.
And get this ... the witness told us, "She was in shock and Hispanic so she was scared."
The lawsuit seeks unspecified damages.
The accident occurred in September, 2010. TMZ broke the story ... a witness claimed he saw Lindsay run a red light in her sports car in West Hollywood, hitting a nanny who was pushing a stroller across the intersection.
The witness claimed 3 of the 4 wheels on the stroller became airborne. The child wasn't injured but the nanny -- Nubia Del Carmen Preza -- claims she was, and that's why she is suing.
And get this ... the witness told us, "She was in shock and Hispanic so she was scared."
The lawsuit seeks unspecified damages.
Recently, reports went out that Heidi KlumHeidi Klum and Seal were separating. But, now it appears there may be a little light at the end of the tunnel for the famous couple.
Will Ms. Klum and Seal restore their marriage of eight years? Will it be Project Runaway or is there a chance for them to reunite?
Seal sure is giving some hints that their union may still have some life left in it.
As a guest on CNN's "Piers Morgan Tonight," the singer opened up in a way that proved his commitment, honor and respect for his wife.
First of all, he said he's not taking off his wedding band, “I'm still wearing my wedding ring because I am still married to this incredible woman,” he explained. "It stands for respect, it stands for loyalty, it stands for incredible memories. And it stands for these four little miracles, and Heidi making five, that have come into my life over the past eight years.”
Pressures in their marriage come in many forms which could have been the catalysts to pop the lid off the cooker. Think about it, a beautiful model who hosts a popular reality show, "Project Runway," then we have a famous singer trying to work around their schedules.
Next, there is the matter of four children with ages ranging from 2-years to 7-years-old. We all know children are a blessing, but lets face it, there's a lot of work and patience involved no matter how much money or nanny's are helping out.
Finally, we have the matter of highs and lows with real events we each face regularly due to a thing called "life."
Highs can be great, but just like the law of gravity proves, what goes up must come down. Currently, the couple is on the downside of the relationship. But does that really mean it's over?
Personally, I believe if the two love each other they can truly work it out, and sometimes a little time apart can help a couple realize how much they do have together and do not want to lose.
When Mr. Morgan asked the British singer if he thought there was still a chance, Seal said, “My love has not waned one iota. I love her with all my heart--how can you not love somebody who you have just spent eight years with?”
Then to even give us hopeless romantics out here in the stands cheering for their reconciliation, Seal practically says it's not over with, "You can never say never,” he replied. “I can't speak for my wife and I'm not going to sit here and BS you and tell you we haven't had problems. Of course we have had problems, otherwise why have we split up?”
The thing about the interview that must be noted is Seal handled the interview with class. He could have taken the "I hate her mode." He could have slung a little mud or made a few nasty, negative comments about her, but he only had positive, uplifting words about his wife.
I don't know about you, but after Seal's behavior I think Heidi should take a second look. What do you think?
Will Ms. Klum and Seal restore their marriage of eight years? Will it be Project Runaway or is there a chance for them to reunite?
Seal sure is giving some hints that their union may still have some life left in it.
As a guest on CNN's "Piers Morgan Tonight," the singer opened up in a way that proved his commitment, honor and respect for his wife.
First of all, he said he's not taking off his wedding band, “I'm still wearing my wedding ring because I am still married to this incredible woman,” he explained. "It stands for respect, it stands for loyalty, it stands for incredible memories. And it stands for these four little miracles, and Heidi making five, that have come into my life over the past eight years.”
Pressures in their marriage come in many forms which could have been the catalysts to pop the lid off the cooker. Think about it, a beautiful model who hosts a popular reality show, "Project Runway," then we have a famous singer trying to work around their schedules.
Next, there is the matter of four children with ages ranging from 2-years to 7-years-old. We all know children are a blessing, but lets face it, there's a lot of work and patience involved no matter how much money or nanny's are helping out.
Finally, we have the matter of highs and lows with real events we each face regularly due to a thing called "life."
Highs can be great, but just like the law of gravity proves, what goes up must come down. Currently, the couple is on the downside of the relationship. But does that really mean it's over?
Personally, I believe if the two love each other they can truly work it out, and sometimes a little time apart can help a couple realize how much they do have together and do not want to lose.
When Mr. Morgan asked the British singer if he thought there was still a chance, Seal said, “My love has not waned one iota. I love her with all my heart--how can you not love somebody who you have just spent eight years with?”
Then to even give us hopeless romantics out here in the stands cheering for their reconciliation, Seal practically says it's not over with, "You can never say never,” he replied. “I can't speak for my wife and I'm not going to sit here and BS you and tell you we haven't had problems. Of course we have had problems, otherwise why have we split up?”
The thing about the interview that must be noted is Seal handled the interview with class. He could have taken the "I hate her mode." He could have slung a little mud or made a few nasty, negative comments about her, but he only had positive, uplifting words about his wife.
I don't know about you, but after Seal's behavior I think Heidi should take a second look. What do you think?
Details emerge regarding the first single from the long-awaited compilation.
In October, Kanye West hinted that his G.O.O.D. Music label would be releasing an album in Spring 2012.
According to, a source close to Def Jam has provided that the tentative first single from the compilation is to be titled "Lamborghini, Murci."
The track was produced by Phoenix-based producer Lifted, and is set to feature Kanye West, Pusha T and Big Sean.
Over time, members of the G.O.O.D. Music family provided details on the album. Pusha T revealed that the album would feature production from West and No I.D., while Big Sean explained that the project would feature him, Kid Cudi and Kanye on a track together.
Currently, there is no release date for the compilation.
In October, Kanye West hinted that his G.O.O.D. Music label would be releasing an album in Spring 2012.
According to, a source close to Def Jam has provided that the tentative first single from the compilation is to be titled "Lamborghini, Murci."
The track was produced by Phoenix-based producer Lifted, and is set to feature Kanye West, Pusha T and Big Sean.
Over time, members of the G.O.O.D. Music family provided details on the album. Pusha T revealed that the album would feature production from West and No I.D., while Big Sean explained that the project would feature him, Kid Cudi and Kanye on a track together.
Currently, there is no release date for the compilation.
Sexy actress,Omotola Jalade Ekeinde has introduced a new business. She is now into the production of interesting documentary/movie like fun life-style projects .She says instead of just having the usual boring wedding video lets make you a wedding movie script,family interviews,friends interviews,never seen before reality type footages… intriguing suspense filled and funny.
Her company is called Redhot Concept.
Asked,what inspire the project; she said I’ve always loved to direct.I’ve directed a soap opera, The Smoke,and I also love to make people’s dreams come true, combine this two and found this idea. I did if for someone and couldn’t believe their reaction. So…let’s go
“You have never seen anything like this. You can also give it out as gift to someone as a wedding, birthday or just loving you gift”. She said
Her company is called Redhot Concept.
Asked,what inspire the project; she said I’ve always loved to direct.I’ve directed a soap opera, The Smoke,and I also love to make people’s dreams come true, combine this two and found this idea. I did if for someone and couldn’t believe their reaction. So…let’s go
“You have never seen anything like this. You can also give it out as gift to someone as a wedding, birthday or just loving you gift”. She said
One of Nigeria’s biggest movie stars is in serious pains-all because she lovingly gave her heart to a heartbreaker who smashed it on the floor,without bothering one bit.
The actress,very fair and a mother of one girl,has been weeping,wailing and gnashing her teeth ever since.
Recounting how it all happened,a source who is very close to the actress said they met at a party soon after the guy returned from a trip to Holland.After exchanging phone numbers and talking on the phone for some time,they went out on a dinner and from there,hit off.
Our source said that what made the actress who has modeled for a drink and telecoms company to fall hopelessly in love with the guy was when he convinced her that he was not married,after pampering her silly with both gifts and attention.
Not long after,she moved into the guy’s VGC Home In Lekki,Lagos and both of them started living as husband and wife.However,unknown to the actress,the guy was already married and with kids too.His family only relocated abroad temporarily.
Anyway,they continued living together,with the actress driving all the man’s car,altering this and that in his house(interior-wise) until the bubble burst.
A neighbor alerted the guy’s wife abroad,and without notifying her husband,she flew back into the country-with her children of course-and all hell was let loose.
The top actress was not only thoroughly humiliated,her things were flung outside by the other woman who kept shouting at the top of her voice that the juju she had used on her man had been neutralized and that never again would her husband fall for her bait.She went on and on,calling her names,singing after her as the actress,now drenched in tears and total humiliation,took her leave,explaining to the few people that cared to listen that she never knew the man was married.
Additional investigation revealed that she may be saying the truth on that.Because we learnt that the man used to sneak out to talk to his wife and children.At other times,he would hide himself in a room to do that,lying to the actress who used to suspect him of being into 419 that he was talking to his foreign business partners.
Again,we were told that because of the nature of his VGC home,he cleverly moved all his wife and children’s belongings to a section of the house before allowing the actress to move in.And on the few occasions that she queried why that portion of the house was perpetually under lock and key,he lied that a neighbor of his occupying it had travelled abroad for further studies.
The guy in question is from the Igbo speaking part of Delta State.He runs a travel agency on Victoria Island,Lagos.Alphabet P begins his first name and he belongs to one of the white garment churches with headquarters in Yaba.
The actress is very fair,from the Niger Delta,read Theatre Arts and has a royal blood in her veins.
The actress,very fair and a mother of one girl,has been weeping,wailing and gnashing her teeth ever since.
Recounting how it all happened,a source who is very close to the actress said they met at a party soon after the guy returned from a trip to Holland.After exchanging phone numbers and talking on the phone for some time,they went out on a dinner and from there,hit off.
Our source said that what made the actress who has modeled for a drink and telecoms company to fall hopelessly in love with the guy was when he convinced her that he was not married,after pampering her silly with both gifts and attention.
Not long after,she moved into the guy’s VGC Home In Lekki,Lagos and both of them started living as husband and wife.However,unknown to the actress,the guy was already married and with kids too.His family only relocated abroad temporarily.
Anyway,they continued living together,with the actress driving all the man’s car,altering this and that in his house(interior-wise) until the bubble burst.
A neighbor alerted the guy’s wife abroad,and without notifying her husband,she flew back into the country-with her children of course-and all hell was let loose.
The top actress was not only thoroughly humiliated,her things were flung outside by the other woman who kept shouting at the top of her voice that the juju she had used on her man had been neutralized and that never again would her husband fall for her bait.She went on and on,calling her names,singing after her as the actress,now drenched in tears and total humiliation,took her leave,explaining to the few people that cared to listen that she never knew the man was married.
Additional investigation revealed that she may be saying the truth on that.Because we learnt that the man used to sneak out to talk to his wife and children.At other times,he would hide himself in a room to do that,lying to the actress who used to suspect him of being into 419 that he was talking to his foreign business partners.
Again,we were told that because of the nature of his VGC home,he cleverly moved all his wife and children’s belongings to a section of the house before allowing the actress to move in.And on the few occasions that she queried why that portion of the house was perpetually under lock and key,he lied that a neighbor of his occupying it had travelled abroad for further studies.
The guy in question is from the Igbo speaking part of Delta State.He runs a travel agency on Victoria Island,Lagos.Alphabet P begins his first name and he belongs to one of the white garment churches with headquarters in Yaba.
The actress is very fair,from the Niger Delta,read Theatre Arts and has a royal blood in her veins.
Information made available to us indicates that an alleged well shrouded romance is on between Paul of P-Square and Tatiana Durao.
Tatiana is the slim,fair-skinned housemate from Angola in the Big Brother Africa All Stars House and one of the most entertaining housemates of her season due to her daring lifestyle while in the House.
According to those in the know the two personalities have been enveloped in a very discreet affair for some time now.
According to sources,after Tatiana came out from the BBA 2010 show,(making her second appearance in the BBA show)she started nursing a music career and declared her interest in the Nigerian music industry by featuring Naeto C in her debut video,titled “Crazy,” which she released in January,2011.
It was gathered this same platform brought her in contact with Paul and a secret romance kicked off between them early last year. The source further revealed that Paul helps her with the needed entertainment support she seems to be enjoying in Nigeria.
The starry-eyed blonde is said to be a regular caller at the P’Square mansion located in Omole Estate in Ikeja,Lagos,whenever she visits Nigeria. Also early this year,the brunette was in Nigeria for a classy party organized by a good friend of hers in Lagos and Paul was also by her side all through the party.
They are said to be so secret that just a handful of followers of their ways know of the development.
Tatiana is the slim,fair-skinned housemate from Angola in the Big Brother Africa All Stars House and one of the most entertaining housemates of her season due to her daring lifestyle while in the House.
According to those in the know the two personalities have been enveloped in a very discreet affair for some time now.
According to sources,after Tatiana came out from the BBA 2010 show,(making her second appearance in the BBA show)she started nursing a music career and declared her interest in the Nigerian music industry by featuring Naeto C in her debut video,titled “Crazy,” which she released in January,2011.
It was gathered this same platform brought her in contact with Paul and a secret romance kicked off between them early last year. The source further revealed that Paul helps her with the needed entertainment support she seems to be enjoying in Nigeria.
The starry-eyed blonde is said to be a regular caller at the P’Square mansion located in Omole Estate in Ikeja,Lagos,whenever she visits Nigeria. Also early this year,the brunette was in Nigeria for a classy party organized by a good friend of hers in Lagos and Paul was also by her side all through the party.
They are said to be so secret that just a handful of followers of their ways know of the development.
MTN Nigeria hardly uses established showbiz personalities for its television commercials.Reason? Globacom has cornered all the best hands in the industry as brand ambassadors.Even before then,known faces have been rare in MTN TVCs.
However,it seems MTN is taking a cue from Globacom lately and has decided to use these established faces for its TVCs.
First,veteran actress and television personality,Iyabo Lawani was used for the MTN N1 Billion promo and she is now unofficially called MTN brand ambassador.
Again,MTN is using top Nollywood comic actor,Nkem Owoh of Osuofia fame and Patience Ozokwor for another promo.
With this recent development,it seems MTN is finally signing on Nollywood stars as ambassadors.
However,it seems MTN is taking a cue from Globacom lately and has decided to use these established faces for its TVCs.
First,veteran actress and television personality,Iyabo Lawani was used for the MTN N1 Billion promo and she is now unofficially called MTN brand ambassador.
Again,MTN is using top Nollywood comic actor,Nkem Owoh of Osuofia fame and Patience Ozokwor for another promo.
With this recent development,it seems MTN is finally signing on Nollywood stars as ambassadors.

Ashton Kutcher had no answer when asked if Demi Moore was okay following her nitrous oxide-induced medical emergency -- hopping wordlessly into a car beside a blonde mystery woman Tuesday night.
The video was shot as the actor was leaving a nightclub in Sao Paulo, Brazil -- an agency photog asks, "Is Demi okay?" ... and Ashton keeps mum, piling into an idling vehicle with two acquaintances, one female.
Ashton has yet to speak out on Demi's condition. The two split in November.
The video was shot as the actor was leaving a nightclub in Sao Paulo, Brazil -- an agency photog asks, "Is Demi okay?" ... and Ashton keeps mum, piling into an idling vehicle with two acquaintances, one female.
Ashton has yet to speak out on Demi's condition. The two split in November.

Top actress Anita Joseph is rated among the very professional actresses that Nollywood has ever produced.This is because she is always thorough in her role interpretation and gives everything it demands to do a nice job.
No doubt,she has been tagged the most controversial actress in Nollywood due to the numerous negative stories she is always associated with.
The latest gist about Ms. Joseph that has a curvy physique that hardly goes unnoticed is that,she has turned a new leaf and set to work for God.
The talented actress is set to release a yet to be titled Gospel album.
According to the talented actress; During the subsidy strike,God gave me songs.I am dropping two Christian songs because God said I should do so.He also spoke through two men of God.
So, I said whatever His will is for me is what I will do.After all,the voice I sing with He gave me.When this message came I asked but how?
Because I know that people will talk but my spirit told me to be calm because God works in mysterious ways,that is why He said His ways are not our ways.So, I will obey God and release the songs He put in my heart.
Those who want to talk can do so but I would rather die than disobey God
No doubt,she has been tagged the most controversial actress in Nollywood due to the numerous negative stories she is always associated with.
The latest gist about Ms. Joseph that has a curvy physique that hardly goes unnoticed is that,she has turned a new leaf and set to work for God.
The talented actress is set to release a yet to be titled Gospel album.
According to the talented actress; During the subsidy strike,God gave me songs.I am dropping two Christian songs because God said I should do so.He also spoke through two men of God.
So, I said whatever His will is for me is what I will do.After all,the voice I sing with He gave me.When this message came I asked but how?
Because I know that people will talk but my spirit told me to be calm because God works in mysterious ways,that is why He said His ways are not our ways.So, I will obey God and release the songs He put in my heart.
Those who want to talk can do so but I would rather die than disobey God
The veteran Yoruba actor died yesterday January 25th in Osun state, after a prolonged battle with diabetes. May his soul rest in peace...amen.

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