Without mincing words, Rita is the fans' delight anyday, anytime.
Rita's stage presence in movies largely draws from the emotions and passion with which she enraptures her audience, as she successfully interprets her roles to the last detail. Often as sweet as candy, she's got the looks such that one could at once feel she was born for the screens.
In the case at hand,this particular actress seems to be finding right men for marriage elusive. She was at a time said to be dating Nollywood bad boy,Jim Iyke,she was said to be very serious with him,but their love story was put on hold when Jim was not forthcoming with marriage proposal.
Although Rita denies her supposed relationship with Jim then by saying I'm not denying the fact that Jim and I are good friends. If you ask him if he could add somebody else to his family, he would add me to his family, likewise me. To me you can have a best friend that is a guy and there's nothing happening between you.I's just a pity that here when they see you guys talking or playing, they say you guys are going out.she said
Apart from Jim Iyke,she has been romantically linked with several other guys that yielded no fruit.
In a nutshell, the talented thespian has not been lucky with men.
The latest gist swirling around the actress is that she is right now under unprecedented pressure by friends and family to marry and settle down.
The family was concerned that the concept of success should be all encompassing and not limited to money and stardom which are temporal.
On the side of well meaning friends,the ground for pressure is that as a woman a little bit above forty that her biological clock is ticking.
Let's hope that the wedding bells will soon be ringing