Should middle and high school students and their teachers communicate using Facebook, Twitter, email and other social media and internet tools? In an age when nearly everyone, every team, every cause has a Facebook page, does a teacher really want her students to see her in photos from her last vacation in a sunny part of the world?
As teachers are older and in a position of authority of responsibility, it behooves them to use social media appropriately; most school administrators say that most teachers do indeed do. But it only takes one revelation of illicit text messages to highlight the risks of increased contact. In the wake of numerous scandals, school districts across the US are creating strict new regulations:
In Illinois, a 56-year-old former language-arts teacher was found guilty in September on sexual abuse and assault charges involving a 17-year-old female student with whom he had exchanged more than 700 text messages. In Sacramento, a 37-year-old high school band director pleaded guilty to sexual misconduct stemming from his relationship with a 16-year-old female student; her Facebook page had more than 1,200 private messages from him, some about massages. In Pennsylvania, a 39-year-old male high school athletic director pleaded guilty in November to charges of attempted corruption of a minor; he was arrested after offering a former male student gifts in exchange for sex.
It might seem simply common sense not to allow students and teachers to friend each other on Facebook; to follow each other on Twitter. But teachers interviewed in the New York Times note that such social media sites have been good ways to communicate with students and even to encourage quiet students to ask questions they might be afraid to voice in class. Jennifer Pust, head of the English department at Santa Monica High School, indeed points out that “we would do more good keeping kids safe by teaching them how to use these tools and navigate this online world rather than locking it down and pretending that it is not in our realm.”
Forbidding student-teacher contact via social media, texting and the like could be in violation of free speech rights. Citing this very reason, the Missouri teachers union successfully argued before a judge that a new law instituting a statewide ban on electronic communication between teachers and students was unconstitutional. School boards are charged with devising their own social media policies by March 1. Across the nation, school boards in California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas and Virginia have already created such policies or are in the process of making them.
One more point. If students and teachers communicate digitally using Facebook — and sufficient numbers do, such that Facebook offers guidance about doing so – and the like, or can text message each other on cell phones, students and teachers are no longer only interacting within the space and time of school grounds and of the school day. What if a student contacts a teacher at 8:30 pm or later in the evening because she forgot a homework assignment? Is the possibility of 24/7 online contact between students and teachers really in the best interests of both?
Ok, you’re unique if you haven’t had this experience: you’re single during the holidays, and you’re out alone, gift shopping for various estranged relatives, or simply stuck on the Starbucks line waiting to order your Eggnog Latte, when it hits you: the Christmas Love Song crooning over the sound system. (I’m vulnerable to Mariah Carey’s rendition of “All I Want for Christmas is You” and all versions of “Baby, It’s Cold Outside.”) Instantly, your casual, perhaps even happy(!) outing becomes unbearably lonely, your I-Love-Being-Single self confidence shatters like a glass ornament hitting an ice rink.
But then what? Wallow in the foamy sweetness of your coffee beverage? Mail yourself holiday love cards? Build a fortress out of your blankets and pillows and hole up in bed until January 2nd?
No, no, no, no, no.
There are studies galore diagnosing holiday loneliness. From what I read around the internet, some factors contributing to why people feel lonelier over the holidays are high expectations for a calendar packed with ebullient gatherings, good or bad memories of lost loved ones (whether the loss is due to death, falling outs, or breakups), and a tendency to nostalgically compare The Way Things Are to The Way They Were. There’s also increased pressure to be coupled up (surprise!). You might have to face pesky parents, aunts, grandparents, great-uncles, etc. etc. who are overwrought when their progeny— male or female— shows up to Hanukah dinner without a Plus One yet again.
Now I’m not going to deny anyone feeling true loneliness and grief. It’s if you’re losing sleep over heartbreak or longing, if you’re aching for the presence of a relative or friend, if you’re regretting that a goal didn’t pan out over the year. With the spirit of New Year’s Resolutions in the air, we can’t help but be in a reflective mood, and sometimes all that thinking will lead to genuine upset*.
But here’s the thing, guys and gals: you don’t have to feel Less-Than because you’re single over the holidays. There an upside to your solo status. Like…think about all that money you’re going to save not buying gifts for a significant other! (I’ve heard two guys say that not having a girlfriend over the holidays is a bonus for their bank accounts.) Also, you don’t have to grin-and-bear-it through his crazy family’s Christmas Eve. There will be no skipping multiple spin classes or missing new episodes of for her business events. You could have a wild, no-strings New Years Eve fling, if you want. And without double the parties full of fattening foods and drinks, come January you’ll be hotter than all of your friends who’ve grown love handles. (
Below the surface, though, now is a time to celebrate your singleness and be joyful about your independence. Never underestimate the strength it takes to be alone. It’s a bitch to walk into that Christmas party and interact with a room full of couples without qualifying why you don’t have someone on your arm. A solution if your status is questioned? Tell them all the wonderful things you’re doing in your life, because being single, your time is 100% yours. Don’t forget it: you’re making your life choices for , you’re braving the journey to find personal fulfillment, you’re taking life by Santa’s reigns and saying “Yes, this is me, on my own, and I’m making the most of it
So when you find yourself tearing up in Bed Bath and Beyond when Michael Bublé’s “Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)” is on the musak, slowly back away from the knife sets and remember the awesomeness of being you. The holidays are a time to reflect on the past year, where you are in your life today, and what you hope for in the future. If a significant other or more dates are on your wish list, great! Consider how you can be open to dating and love opportunities in 2012. As a single person during the holidays, let your gift to yourself be peace, joy, and love within. (And maybe a couple of luxury goods, too.) Sounds like a Happy Holidays to me.
* Just note, it’s normal to go through emotional ups and downs, but if you’re feeling prolonged depression or having thoughts of harming yourself or others, consider seeking professional guidance.
But then what? Wallow in the foamy sweetness of your coffee beverage? Mail yourself holiday love cards? Build a fortress out of your blankets and pillows and hole up in bed until January 2nd?
No, no, no, no, no.
There are studies galore diagnosing holiday loneliness. From what I read around the internet, some factors contributing to why people feel lonelier over the holidays are high expectations for a calendar packed with ebullient gatherings, good or bad memories of lost loved ones (whether the loss is due to death, falling outs, or breakups), and a tendency to nostalgically compare The Way Things Are to The Way They Were. There’s also increased pressure to be coupled up (surprise!). You might have to face pesky parents, aunts, grandparents, great-uncles, etc. etc. who are overwrought when their progeny— male or female— shows up to Hanukah dinner without a Plus One yet again.
Now I’m not going to deny anyone feeling true loneliness and grief. It’s if you’re losing sleep over heartbreak or longing, if you’re aching for the presence of a relative or friend, if you’re regretting that a goal didn’t pan out over the year. With the spirit of New Year’s Resolutions in the air, we can’t help but be in a reflective mood, and sometimes all that thinking will lead to genuine upset*.
But here’s the thing, guys and gals: you don’t have to feel Less-Than because you’re single over the holidays. There an upside to your solo status. Like…think about all that money you’re going to save not buying gifts for a significant other! (I’ve heard two guys say that not having a girlfriend over the holidays is a bonus for their bank accounts.) Also, you don’t have to grin-and-bear-it through his crazy family’s Christmas Eve. There will be no skipping multiple spin classes or missing new episodes of for her business events. You could have a wild, no-strings New Years Eve fling, if you want. And without double the parties full of fattening foods and drinks, come January you’ll be hotter than all of your friends who’ve grown love handles. (
Below the surface, though, now is a time to celebrate your singleness and be joyful about your independence. Never underestimate the strength it takes to be alone. It’s a bitch to walk into that Christmas party and interact with a room full of couples without qualifying why you don’t have someone on your arm. A solution if your status is questioned? Tell them all the wonderful things you’re doing in your life, because being single, your time is 100% yours. Don’t forget it: you’re making your life choices for , you’re braving the journey to find personal fulfillment, you’re taking life by Santa’s reigns and saying “Yes, this is me, on my own, and I’m making the most of it
So when you find yourself tearing up in Bed Bath and Beyond when Michael Bublé’s “Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)” is on the musak, slowly back away from the knife sets and remember the awesomeness of being you. The holidays are a time to reflect on the past year, where you are in your life today, and what you hope for in the future. If a significant other or more dates are on your wish list, great! Consider how you can be open to dating and love opportunities in 2012. As a single person during the holidays, let your gift to yourself be peace, joy, and love within. (And maybe a couple of luxury goods, too.) Sounds like a Happy Holidays to me.
* Just note, it’s normal to go through emotional ups and downs, but if you’re feeling prolonged depression or having thoughts of harming yourself or others, consider seeking professional guidance.
Wasn't going to blog today because it's Christmas and we all should be with family and friends having fun and enjoying the day, but the most unfortunate thing occurred this morning.
More than 20 church goers lost their lives this morning as two bombs exploded during Christmas church service at St Theresa Catholic church in Madalla, Suleja, Niger state.
A car rigged with bomb was parked at the premises of the church, which exploded around 8: 30 AM as church members left the church premises after the Christmas day mass. The second blast occurred when a suicide bomber drove a BMW car into the church premises. Apart from those killed in the attack, several others have been taken to the hospital for life threatening injuries. Many cars were also destroyed in the attack.
Continue to see more photos of the bomb blast...viewers discretion advised please...
My goodness! This is not the way, Nigeria. We can't keep doing this to each other. God help us!
Photo credit - Saharareporters
More than 20 church goers lost their lives this morning as two bombs exploded during Christmas church service at St Theresa Catholic church in Madalla, Suleja, Niger state.
A car rigged with bomb was parked at the premises of the church, which exploded around 8: 30 AM as church members left the church premises after the Christmas day mass. The second blast occurred when a suicide bomber drove a BMW car into the church premises. Apart from those killed in the attack, several others have been taken to the hospital for life threatening injuries. Many cars were also destroyed in the attack.
Continue to see more photos of the bomb blast...viewers discretion advised please...
My goodness! This is not the way, Nigeria. We can't keep doing this to each other. God help us!
Photo credit - Saharareporters
Arsene Wenger wants to wait and allow time before considering the return of the legend of Arsenal, Thierry Henry.
The idea can appear attractive, but Arsene Wenger, the Arsenal manager, prefers to think before returning to the fold the holder of the greatest number of goals scored in the jersey of Arsenal (226 goals in 369 games).
Because of the truce of the American championship, Thierry Henry, who plays the New York Red Bull, came to London to maintain the shape. But the departure of Chamakh and Gervinho to the African Cup of Nations could allow the French to pull back the jersey of a team he left in 2007. "I'll think about it during the few days off that Christmas gives us" said, careful, Arsene Wenger on the club's official website. "A short-term contract can be an ideal solution for us, but I have not spoken with Thierry."
A conversation that might be imminent because Arsenal wants to decide quickly. "We need to focus on 1 January. We have seven days to decide and I will take the opportunity to establish an inventory of the core"
The idea can appear attractive, but Arsene Wenger, the Arsenal manager, prefers to think before returning to the fold the holder of the greatest number of goals scored in the jersey of Arsenal (226 goals in 369 games).
Because of the truce of the American championship, Thierry Henry, who plays the New York Red Bull, came to London to maintain the shape. But the departure of Chamakh and Gervinho to the African Cup of Nations could allow the French to pull back the jersey of a team he left in 2007. "I'll think about it during the few days off that Christmas gives us" said, careful, Arsene Wenger on the club's official website. "A short-term contract can be an ideal solution for us, but I have not spoken with Thierry."
A conversation that might be imminent because Arsenal wants to decide quickly. "We need to focus on 1 January. We have seven days to decide and I will take the opportunity to establish an inventory of the core"
It is terrible what some men can do because of the inability to control themselves. Maybe, it shouldn’t be called a lack of control, but an intentional act done to spite their wives or the women in their lives.
My ex- husband is a good example of the epitome of lack of control in men. Each time I think of his last escapades, l still wonder if it is possible for Femi not to have known that Amanda, the lady he met abroad is still the same childhood best friend whose photographs he had seen severally in my collections.
Amanda and I did everything together while we were growing up. We went to the same primary school and the same University. We were even posted to the same state during youth service. We had everything in common except for the men in our lives. In fact, we nearly liked the same men and it showed each time one of us brings home a guy.
Amanda got a visa to Britain, but it didn’t stop our friendship. We couldn’t always talk much because of the expensiveness of international calls, we couldn’t even do mails because Cyber café was just a new development and computers was just finding their way into the country to the very rich.
So as I was getting married, Amanda couldn’t make it to the wedding because she didn’t have a stay at that time and we decided that she shouldn’t come because she might not be able to go back if she dares it. The marriage formality was done and life went to normal with the twins coming and the girl following two years after.
It was exactly five years into my marriage when this seemingly impossible episode took place. My husband had being a playboy, but for some time, he had being acting like a changed man. So l thought all was well with my family. I thought he had finally settled down to enjoy being a dad to our children and a husband and friend to me.
His company sent him abroad for a six months course and we practically spoke every other day while he was there. He returned back and I got a call from my best friend, she said she was coming to Nigeria for her marriage and l was happy for her, she also said that she was already pregnant for the man in question.
Amanda came to town and rented a place, so most of the times l visit her because Femi returns from the office late and the children stay back at school for their lessons. I found out her husband to be’s name is also Femi with my Femi’s surname. I was surprised, but saw it as a coincidence; it was on one of my visits to her place that l met her fiancé who happens to be my own …
If you are in her shoes what will do? Comment pls....
My ex- husband is a good example of the epitome of lack of control in men. Each time I think of his last escapades, l still wonder if it is possible for Femi not to have known that Amanda, the lady he met abroad is still the same childhood best friend whose photographs he had seen severally in my collections.
Amanda and I did everything together while we were growing up. We went to the same primary school and the same University. We were even posted to the same state during youth service. We had everything in common except for the men in our lives. In fact, we nearly liked the same men and it showed each time one of us brings home a guy.
Amanda got a visa to Britain, but it didn’t stop our friendship. We couldn’t always talk much because of the expensiveness of international calls, we couldn’t even do mails because Cyber café was just a new development and computers was just finding their way into the country to the very rich.
So as I was getting married, Amanda couldn’t make it to the wedding because she didn’t have a stay at that time and we decided that she shouldn’t come because she might not be able to go back if she dares it. The marriage formality was done and life went to normal with the twins coming and the girl following two years after.
It was exactly five years into my marriage when this seemingly impossible episode took place. My husband had being a playboy, but for some time, he had being acting like a changed man. So l thought all was well with my family. I thought he had finally settled down to enjoy being a dad to our children and a husband and friend to me.
His company sent him abroad for a six months course and we practically spoke every other day while he was there. He returned back and I got a call from my best friend, she said she was coming to Nigeria for her marriage and l was happy for her, she also said that she was already pregnant for the man in question.
Amanda came to town and rented a place, so most of the times l visit her because Femi returns from the office late and the children stay back at school for their lessons. I found out her husband to be’s name is also Femi with my Femi’s surname. I was surprised, but saw it as a coincidence; it was on one of my visits to her place that l met her fiancé who happens to be my own …
If you are in her shoes what will do? Comment pls....
In a bid to give hope and make prison convicts feel loved in the society, Nigerian celebrities have taken a huge step to organize a concert in support of the prisoners.
The concert which was a concept of Yaw (Wazobia FM) and Lamboginny, was held at the Maximum Security Prison, Kirikiri, Apapa on Wednesday.
And on ground to make the day a memorable one for the prisoners and guests were musical acts like
Sir Shina Peters, Sammie Okposu, Tee Mac, Stella Damasus, Soundsultan, Jedi, Jaywon, Jahdiel, Africa China, Segun Obe, J’odie, Freewindz, Solid Star, Kaffy, W4, Jafextra, Myk Anyasodo, Dj zeez, YQ, Hakym, Xclaim, L.K.T, Onesoul, Kash 11, Iyanyan, M.Trilla,Ray G, Papy J, Aramide, Slam, Lazbizi, Korede Bello, Nigeria prisons band and many others.
Comedians like Omobaba, Owen G, Gbenga Adeyinka, Emeka smith, Igos, Akpororo,? Acapell, Frank Onero , Dj Gosporella , DJ Roll and others also gave rib cracking jokes to the amazement of all.
Aside the prisoners and prison officials present at the event, in attendance were also special guests of honour like Chief Dele Momodu, Hon. Ayodele Joseph (Chairman Apapa Local Govt.) Austin Jay Jay Okocha,? Ali Baba, Oluwaremi Oyekunle (G.U.S winner 2010) and others.
In support of the great event, celebrities and guests all came with gifts, toiletries, clothes and other items for the prisoners which were handed to the prison officials.
The concert which was a concept of Yaw (Wazobia FM) and Lamboginny, was held at the Maximum Security Prison, Kirikiri, Apapa on Wednesday.
And on ground to make the day a memorable one for the prisoners and guests were musical acts like
Sir Shina Peters, Sammie Okposu, Tee Mac, Stella Damasus, Soundsultan, Jedi, Jaywon, Jahdiel, Africa China, Segun Obe, J’odie, Freewindz, Solid Star, Kaffy, W4, Jafextra, Myk Anyasodo, Dj zeez, YQ, Hakym, Xclaim, L.K.T, Onesoul, Kash 11, Iyanyan, M.Trilla,Ray G, Papy J, Aramide, Slam, Lazbizi, Korede Bello, Nigeria prisons band and many others.
Comedians like Omobaba, Owen G, Gbenga Adeyinka, Emeka smith, Igos, Akpororo,? Acapell, Frank Onero , Dj Gosporella , DJ Roll and others also gave rib cracking jokes to the amazement of all.
Aside the prisoners and prison officials present at the event, in attendance were also special guests of honour like Chief Dele Momodu, Hon. Ayodele Joseph (Chairman Apapa Local Govt.) Austin Jay Jay Okocha,? Ali Baba, Oluwaremi Oyekunle (G.U.S winner 2010) and others.
In support of the great event, celebrities and guests all came with gifts, toiletries, clothes and other items for the prisoners which were handed to the prison officials.
It’s another Christmas and everyone is getting set to celebrate with family and friends. While some plan to spend the festive period outside the country, others prefer their home towns. And there are others who plan to stay where they are.
And whether its a small gift or an expensive one, almost everyone expects something from their loved ones. On this basis, OBINMA IFUNANYA sets out to find out what our much celebrated stars, who have made us happy all through the year want for this Christmas. Read on.
Don’t mind my own building — Essence
[laughs] I want my own property-a very nice and well furnished bungalow. I want it because it’s necessary to have your own house without a landlord disturbing you for rent.
I will be spending my Christmas holiday with my family. Right now, everyone is far away, so we are planning a get together this time.
Will be with family — Tiwa Savage
A new house on the island will do - Damilola Purple
I want God’s blessing and I will be spending the Christmas holiday with my family.
Brand new car ‘d do— Kel
I love cars. So I want a brand new car for the Christmas. And because Christmas is all about giving, I want to put smiles on faces. So I’ll be giving out gifts. I’ll be spending the holiday with my family.
Just want to be happy — Mr. Raw
I want to be happy and to make other people happy because that is what I do through my music. If people are happy, I am happy as well. I hardly spend the Christmas holiday with my family because this season demands us (artistes) to be every where in and outside the country performing.
Don’t mind a Cadillac — Oritz Wiliki
I would not mind a Cardilac even if it is 2005 model or a junior hummer. since I can not afford it, I wont mind if someone gives it to me. I spend my holiday at home because my friends usually visit.
See my parents— Bob-Manuel Udokwu
I want a relaxed and enjoyable Christmas in Lagos because there is a lot of stress in the country at the moment. And after the Christmas celebration, I will travel tomy home town, Ogidi in Anambra State with my family for the new year.
There are functions to attend, I will also see my aged parents and connect to my roots.
Rice, Stew and Chicken is it — Mc Shakara
I want a Toyota highlander, rice,stew, and chicken. I will want a car because am tired of the one am using because it’s old. There is usually no holiday for me because it’s going to be work, work and work all through. From now till the end of the year, I will be traveling to five[5] different states in the country for events. Also, I will be in Port- Harcout on 25th for Crack Ya Ribs.
I want God’s favour in my family —Teju Baby Face
I want God to give my father whatever he wants. I will be spending the holiday with my family.
God’s blessing for my marriage — Muma Gee
Since my wedding is coming up soon I want a perfect wedding. And this season will be busy for me because I have to see to the planning.
A new Range Rover — African China
If I can get a Rang Rover sport 2012 for a gift, it will be perfect for me. My Christmas is hooked. I have a lot of activities starting from the Governor dinner party at Owerri, followed by Caniriv at Port-Harcout and lots of weddings to attend. It’s party time and it promises to be prophetic.
And whether its a small gift or an expensive one, almost everyone expects something from their loved ones. On this basis, OBINMA IFUNANYA sets out to find out what our much celebrated stars, who have made us happy all through the year want for this Christmas. Read on.
Don’t mind my own building — Essence
[laughs] I want my own property-a very nice and well furnished bungalow. I want it because it’s necessary to have your own house without a landlord disturbing you for rent.
I will be spending my Christmas holiday with my family. Right now, everyone is far away, so we are planning a get together this time.
Will be with family — Tiwa Savage
A new house on the island will do - Damilola Purple
I want God’s blessing and I will be spending the Christmas holiday with my family.
Brand new car ‘d do— Kel
I love cars. So I want a brand new car for the Christmas. And because Christmas is all about giving, I want to put smiles on faces. So I’ll be giving out gifts. I’ll be spending the holiday with my family.
Just want to be happy — Mr. Raw
I want to be happy and to make other people happy because that is what I do through my music. If people are happy, I am happy as well. I hardly spend the Christmas holiday with my family because this season demands us (artistes) to be every where in and outside the country performing.
Don’t mind a Cadillac — Oritz Wiliki
I would not mind a Cardilac even if it is 2005 model or a junior hummer. since I can not afford it, I wont mind if someone gives it to me. I spend my holiday at home because my friends usually visit.
See my parents— Bob-Manuel Udokwu
I want a relaxed and enjoyable Christmas in Lagos because there is a lot of stress in the country at the moment. And after the Christmas celebration, I will travel tomy home town, Ogidi in Anambra State with my family for the new year.
There are functions to attend, I will also see my aged parents and connect to my roots.
Rice, Stew and Chicken is it — Mc Shakara
I want a Toyota highlander, rice,stew, and chicken. I will want a car because am tired of the one am using because it’s old. There is usually no holiday for me because it’s going to be work, work and work all through. From now till the end of the year, I will be traveling to five[5] different states in the country for events. Also, I will be in Port- Harcout on 25th for Crack Ya Ribs.
I want God’s favour in my family —Teju Baby Face
I want God to give my father whatever he wants. I will be spending the holiday with my family.
God’s blessing for my marriage — Muma Gee
Since my wedding is coming up soon I want a perfect wedding. And this season will be busy for me because I have to see to the planning.
A new Range Rover — African China
If I can get a Rang Rover sport 2012 for a gift, it will be perfect for me. My Christmas is hooked. I have a lot of activities starting from the Governor dinner party at Owerri, followed by Caniriv at Port-Harcout and lots of weddings to attend. It’s party time and it promises to be prophetic.
WHILE many people have described 2011 as a year that gave us “new songs, new moments and sweet memories” that will see us through to 2012. For the Nigerian movie industry, the outgoing year remains a mixed bag of woes and laughter writes BENJAMIN NJOKU
The year started off on a good note, holding out promises for the practitioners but thereafter dashing them to ashes. In fact, the industry has not stopped weeping over the loss of some of its pioneer actors to the cold hands of death.
The likes of Ishola Durojaiye a.k.a Alasari, Ashley Nwosu, Donald Okoli, Yemisi Eleto, Geraldine Ekeocha, Christy Essien-Igbokwe and Sam Loco-Efe were amongst the thespians who bowed out of the stage in the most painful way.
A popular Yoruba producer and actor, Alasari gave up the ghost in March, after the injuries he sustained in an auto-crash on his way to Abeokuta. He was going there to promote his new movie “Omo night club” which he co produced with Gemini Films and Marketing.
But he never returned. His death shook the industry to its very foundation, just as the death of actor Ashley Nwosu, left an open- wound in the hearts of his admirers, family members and industry operators.
Nwosu died in July, after a brief illness. The respected actor who hailed from Abia State had earlier slipped into a coma, at the Military hospital in Yaba, Lagos, where he was receiving treatment for severe liver problems. He was buried on the 21st of September, in his home town in Umuahia, amid tears and grief.
And famous Sam Loco too. He lived all his life on screen and stage but died mysteriously on August 7, 2011, in his hotel room in Owerri, while shooting a new movie. His funeral rites, observed in Benin, were an elaborate three-day celebration of his life and times. The industry is still mourning his lose…
Then Donald Okoli, a popular film maker and script writer of great repute. He died on Friday, September 23, at the Yaba Military Hospital, Lagos, after a brief illness, at the age of 38.
One remembers that night of tributes orgainsed in his honour by his colleagues in the industry, at the popular celebrity hangout, O’jez, in Surulere, when the artistes who graced the sombre outing , especially the quartet of Stephanie Okereke, Oby Edozieh, Ngozi Ezeonu and Chioma Toplis, respectively broke down in tears while paying tributes to the deceased.
Also, still fresh in our memory today is the demise of actress Geraldine Ekeocha who died on Sunday, September 4, 2011, after a fibroid operation in a hospital in Enugu.
A talented Enugu-based actress who featured in over 80 movies and several soap operas with many of them still running on air, Ekeocha died at the age of 57, leaving her seven children and the industry operators in perpetual grief.
The most recent tragedy that struck the industry was that of the demise of Azubike Joseph Udensi, a marketer who died in an auto crash on the 24th of October, 2011. Udensi whose film marketing and distribution company, Consolidated Fortunes distributed most wave-making movies in the formative years of Nollywood including “Without Love”, “Onome”, “Tears for Love, met his untimely death while he was travelling to his village. The bus he was travelling in collded with a luxury bus killing 15 passengers on board.
Stars who escaped from death
There are a couple of Nollywood practitioners who are still battling to survive one form of sickness or the other. It would recalled that actress Temitayo Odueke almost lost her life to a strange illness, while Prince Ifeanyi Dike arrived Nigeria aboard Emirate Airline on 15th of September from New Delhi, India after a successful kidney transplant.
Actor Kayode Odumosu otherwise known as Pa Kasumu also battled a liver-related ailment just as veteran Enebeli Elebuwa is still recuperating from stroke at St. Luke’s hospital, Sabo, Yaba, Lagos. Actress Uche Jombo and Chika Ike alike survived auto crashes that would have resulted in another big blow to the indsutry.
Highlights on Nollywood
Meanwhile, despite all these aforementioned woes, the industry recorded a significant progress in the area of new innovation and movie productions. Funke Akindele returned to the reckoning with the premiere of her block-buster, “Return of Jenifa.”
Also, Lancelot Imasuen’s epic film, ‘Adesuwa’ which premiered last month in London, was adjudged a masterpiece, just as Niji Akanni’s ‘Aramotu” which won this year’s AMAA Best Nigerian Film and Best Costume Design, also recorded another victory at the just concluded African International Film Festival, held in Lagos.
The film won the Best Feature Film prize, considered to be the most coveted award of the whole lot. There are films like “Victims of the Society”, produced by Elvis Chucks and of course, Uche Jombo’s trilogy “Damage”, which hit the cinemas both in Nigeria and beyond few months ago.
The duo of Emem Isong and Ini Edo equally premiered their much talked ‘I’ll Take My Chances’ movie in Akwa-Ibom State, and are currently putting plans together to premiere the movie in Lagos.
Also two award-winning movies produced in Itsekiri language “Oma tsen-tsen and Suara La” by comrade Alex Eyengho premiered in Warri, Delta State. It was the first of its kind and had Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan of Delta State in attendance. The governor endorsed the rebirth of the Itsekiri industry.
Other movies that made waves during the outgoing year were “Two Brides and a Baby”produced by the model cum actress, Blessing Egbe, Öbi Emelonye’s “Mirror Boy”, Monalisa China’s “Kiss and Tell”amongst others.
New marriages
Actress Mercy Johnson tied the nuptial knots with her spouse in what was considered the most controversial wedding of the year. Actress Monalisa Chinda’s ex-husband, Dejo Richard re-married after divorcing the actress.
While pint-sized actor, Chinedu ‘Aki’ Ikedieze got married to the love of his life, Nneoma, and their marriage was described as the “marriage of the year.”But when it was time for the couple to say “Ï do” they sneaked into one of the Redeemed churches, located somewhere in Ogba area of Ikeja, to perform the ritual.
However, one of the newest marriages in town at the moment is that of Oby Edozieh, who secretly married very popular 90’s singer Alex O at the Ikoyi Registry penultimate Friday.
Those whose marriages crashed in 2011
Actor Fred Aseroma divorced his wife, Chika Ike’s marriage also hit the rocks. More prominent and shocking among the marriage break-ups in 2011 is that of actress Kate Henshaw to her British hubby, Nuttal. The marriage lasted 12 years before hitting the rocks. Actress Moji Olaiya was also not lucky with her marriage.
Awards by Nollywood stars
This year saw Nollywood stars winning a couple of awards within and outside the shores of the country. Locally, such awards for 2011 included the African Movie Academy Awards(AMAA), Best of Nollywood Awards(BON), Future Awards, and the City People Arards.
Internationally, there was the NAFCA awards which saw Nollywood stars carting away a lot of prizes. Susan Peters won Best Supporting Actress as well as Nse Ikpe-Etim at the event, which held in North Carolina.
But the big prize was won by Mercy Johnson Okojie recently as she clinched the 2011 Most Outstanding Actress award at the third edition of prestigious Afro-Australian Music and Movies Awards, AAMMA, which held at the Enmore Theatre in Sydney, Australia.
Cocaine and other incidents
The dust raised by the arrest cum release of the comic-actor, Babatunde Omidina, popularly known as Baba Suwe, is still lingering. He was in NDLEA custody for allegedly swallowing substances suspected to be cocaine. He was later released after what was dubbed ‘drama of the year.’
Yoruba actor, Ayo Badmus was pummeled at a political rally in Oshodi, as well as Jim Iyke who was arrested and ordered out of his car, in Abuja, for driving an automobile with tinted glasses.
The year started off on a good note, holding out promises for the practitioners but thereafter dashing them to ashes. In fact, the industry has not stopped weeping over the loss of some of its pioneer actors to the cold hands of death.
The likes of Ishola Durojaiye a.k.a Alasari, Ashley Nwosu, Donald Okoli, Yemisi Eleto, Geraldine Ekeocha, Christy Essien-Igbokwe and Sam Loco-Efe were amongst the thespians who bowed out of the stage in the most painful way.
A popular Yoruba producer and actor, Alasari gave up the ghost in March, after the injuries he sustained in an auto-crash on his way to Abeokuta. He was going there to promote his new movie “Omo night club” which he co produced with Gemini Films and Marketing.
But he never returned. His death shook the industry to its very foundation, just as the death of actor Ashley Nwosu, left an open- wound in the hearts of his admirers, family members and industry operators.
Nwosu died in July, after a brief illness. The respected actor who hailed from Abia State had earlier slipped into a coma, at the Military hospital in Yaba, Lagos, where he was receiving treatment for severe liver problems. He was buried on the 21st of September, in his home town in Umuahia, amid tears and grief.
And famous Sam Loco too. He lived all his life on screen and stage but died mysteriously on August 7, 2011, in his hotel room in Owerri, while shooting a new movie. His funeral rites, observed in Benin, were an elaborate three-day celebration of his life and times. The industry is still mourning his lose…
Then Donald Okoli, a popular film maker and script writer of great repute. He died on Friday, September 23, at the Yaba Military Hospital, Lagos, after a brief illness, at the age of 38.
One remembers that night of tributes orgainsed in his honour by his colleagues in the industry, at the popular celebrity hangout, O’jez, in Surulere, when the artistes who graced the sombre outing , especially the quartet of Stephanie Okereke, Oby Edozieh, Ngozi Ezeonu and Chioma Toplis, respectively broke down in tears while paying tributes to the deceased.
Also, still fresh in our memory today is the demise of actress Geraldine Ekeocha who died on Sunday, September 4, 2011, after a fibroid operation in a hospital in Enugu.
A talented Enugu-based actress who featured in over 80 movies and several soap operas with many of them still running on air, Ekeocha died at the age of 57, leaving her seven children and the industry operators in perpetual grief.
The most recent tragedy that struck the industry was that of the demise of Azubike Joseph Udensi, a marketer who died in an auto crash on the 24th of October, 2011. Udensi whose film marketing and distribution company, Consolidated Fortunes distributed most wave-making movies in the formative years of Nollywood including “Without Love”, “Onome”, “Tears for Love, met his untimely death while he was travelling to his village. The bus he was travelling in collded with a luxury bus killing 15 passengers on board.
Stars who escaped from death
There are a couple of Nollywood practitioners who are still battling to survive one form of sickness or the other. It would recalled that actress Temitayo Odueke almost lost her life to a strange illness, while Prince Ifeanyi Dike arrived Nigeria aboard Emirate Airline on 15th of September from New Delhi, India after a successful kidney transplant.
Actor Kayode Odumosu otherwise known as Pa Kasumu also battled a liver-related ailment just as veteran Enebeli Elebuwa is still recuperating from stroke at St. Luke’s hospital, Sabo, Yaba, Lagos. Actress Uche Jombo and Chika Ike alike survived auto crashes that would have resulted in another big blow to the indsutry.
Highlights on Nollywood
Meanwhile, despite all these aforementioned woes, the industry recorded a significant progress in the area of new innovation and movie productions. Funke Akindele returned to the reckoning with the premiere of her block-buster, “Return of Jenifa.”
Also, Lancelot Imasuen’s epic film, ‘Adesuwa’ which premiered last month in London, was adjudged a masterpiece, just as Niji Akanni’s ‘Aramotu” which won this year’s AMAA Best Nigerian Film and Best Costume Design, also recorded another victory at the just concluded African International Film Festival, held in Lagos.
The film won the Best Feature Film prize, considered to be the most coveted award of the whole lot. There are films like “Victims of the Society”, produced by Elvis Chucks and of course, Uche Jombo’s trilogy “Damage”, which hit the cinemas both in Nigeria and beyond few months ago.
The duo of Emem Isong and Ini Edo equally premiered their much talked ‘I’ll Take My Chances’ movie in Akwa-Ibom State, and are currently putting plans together to premiere the movie in Lagos.
Also two award-winning movies produced in Itsekiri language “Oma tsen-tsen and Suara La” by comrade Alex Eyengho premiered in Warri, Delta State. It was the first of its kind and had Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan of Delta State in attendance. The governor endorsed the rebirth of the Itsekiri industry.
Other movies that made waves during the outgoing year were “Two Brides and a Baby”produced by the model cum actress, Blessing Egbe, Öbi Emelonye’s “Mirror Boy”, Monalisa China’s “Kiss and Tell”amongst others.
New marriages
Actress Mercy Johnson tied the nuptial knots with her spouse in what was considered the most controversial wedding of the year. Actress Monalisa Chinda’s ex-husband, Dejo Richard re-married after divorcing the actress.
While pint-sized actor, Chinedu ‘Aki’ Ikedieze got married to the love of his life, Nneoma, and their marriage was described as the “marriage of the year.”But when it was time for the couple to say “Ï do” they sneaked into one of the Redeemed churches, located somewhere in Ogba area of Ikeja, to perform the ritual.
However, one of the newest marriages in town at the moment is that of Oby Edozieh, who secretly married very popular 90’s singer Alex O at the Ikoyi Registry penultimate Friday.
Those whose marriages crashed in 2011
Actor Fred Aseroma divorced his wife, Chika Ike’s marriage also hit the rocks. More prominent and shocking among the marriage break-ups in 2011 is that of actress Kate Henshaw to her British hubby, Nuttal. The marriage lasted 12 years before hitting the rocks. Actress Moji Olaiya was also not lucky with her marriage.
Awards by Nollywood stars
This year saw Nollywood stars winning a couple of awards within and outside the shores of the country. Locally, such awards for 2011 included the African Movie Academy Awards(AMAA), Best of Nollywood Awards(BON), Future Awards, and the City People Arards.
Internationally, there was the NAFCA awards which saw Nollywood stars carting away a lot of prizes. Susan Peters won Best Supporting Actress as well as Nse Ikpe-Etim at the event, which held in North Carolina.
But the big prize was won by Mercy Johnson Okojie recently as she clinched the 2011 Most Outstanding Actress award at the third edition of prestigious Afro-Australian Music and Movies Awards, AAMMA, which held at the Enmore Theatre in Sydney, Australia.
Cocaine and other incidents
The dust raised by the arrest cum release of the comic-actor, Babatunde Omidina, popularly known as Baba Suwe, is still lingering. He was in NDLEA custody for allegedly swallowing substances suspected to be cocaine. He was later released after what was dubbed ‘drama of the year.’
Yoruba actor, Ayo Badmus was pummeled at a political rally in Oshodi, as well as Jim Iyke who was arrested and ordered out of his car, in Abuja, for driving an automobile with tinted glasses.
In 2011, two kinds of people ruled the entertainment industry like colossus. Some were busy making news without the attendant noise, while others were busy making noise without the substance of news.
There were those who graced the red carpet for the fun of it, while others were the ‘ish’ to complete the word ‘distinguish’ on the red carpet.
Their presence lit up the atmosphere and they were topics of discussion long after events were over. Some of the newsmakers chose to be silent without the drama and undue attention that characterize every move of noisemakers.
Identifying the noisemakers isn’t hard. They grace every available red carpet, dress to kill, smile to the paparazzi, walk around, and then leave. They are the first to announce every of their moves on twitter, change Blackberry pictures and issue press releases for all kinds of unworthy news. We won’t waste precious newspaper space mentioning their names; we shall, however, concentrate on those who made the news without the news making them.
Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde
2011 couldn’t have been better for the superstar actress; it was during the course of the year that she attended the Grammy and MoBo awards, and consolidated her place as a premium brand in Nollywood by grabbing only the big budget movies in and outside Nigeria. She became the highest paid Nollywood actress by collecting over N5 million fee for a movie shot in Nigeria. She played alongside Hollywood’s Kimberley Elis, the highly publicized Layla Djanzi’s movie Ties that bound, shot in Ghana. The same year, she starred in Amina alongside high profile British actor in the UK.
Shuga Band
In the business of live performances, Shuga Band topped the chart in 2010. It was expected that the Akin Tofowomo-led band would slow down in 2011, but alas! The critics were wrong. From East, West, North and South, even as far as Sri Lanka, Dubai, and France, Shuga Band grabbed all major events, leaving the rest for other bands. The band headlined Doyin Abiola’s daughter’s wedding in Dubai and shook Sri Lanka with talk-of-the-town performance. Ask any major event person, if you are not talking six digit figures, Shuga Band might be out of your reach.
Ini Edo
A Nollywood observer once said that apart from Genevieve Nnaji, Ini Edo is the actress with the highest number of corporate endorsements - Globacom, Chi, Noble Hair - are some of the corporate bodies that sought brand affiliations with the Uyo-born actress. Aside grabbing the mouth-watering Noble Hair deal in the course of the year, Ini Edo produced two major movies, I Will Take My Chances and Weekend Getaway. She also became the United Nations Youth Envoy on Environment. A United Nations appointment necessitated her visit to dustbin estate, where the despicable sight led her to make the commitment of building a school for the ghetto.
Mahmood Alli-Balogun
He is the type you may want to call “old school’’, especially for age and longevity in the industry. But the grey-beard filmmaker rebranded to teach the “new school’’ some filmmaking techniques. His movie, Tango With Me, went on to become the highest grossing local movie at the cinemas with over N32 million. The movie starred Genevieve and Joseph Benjamin. It is a 2011 record that only Ije beat in 2010.
Funke Akindele
Her story is as inspirational as inspiration could get. With a humble beginning and a teenage role in the popular sitcom, I Need To Know, Funke Akindele, a Lagos indigene, rose to become a force in the English and Yoruba movie genres, where she rose from being an outsider to one of the major players in the industry. Her movie, The Return of Jenifa, a sequel to the popular movie, Jenifa, went on to become the fastest box office movie at the cinemas, grossing over N29 million in just three cinemas. In the course of the outgoing year, she became a bona fide brand and Globacom renewed her appointment as Ambassador, while she starred in So Klin promo advert and reportedly pocketed several millions of naira for her efforts. She was also compere at several events, among them the Ice Prince album launch, and several corporate events.
Rita Dominic
Apart from Omotola, there is perhaps no busier actress on big budget movies than Rita Dominic. She represented Nollywood well in Kenya, where she starred in a big budget movie, Shattered. She was also the lead act in Izu Ojukwu’s movie and ended the year being the executive producer of her movie, The Meeting, alongside her longtime producer, Mildred Okwo. For Rita, it wasn’t all about movies alone, as telecoms giant, Globacom, re-appointed her Ambassador.
KOGA Entertainment
Not many gave the Chris Jeyibo-led entertainment firm a chance at the beginning of the year when Koga opened its door for business. But 12 months down the line Koga is the new song on everybody’s lips in both the music and movie industry. During the course of the year Koga played host to many entertainers, who used one of its four visual studios for music videos or movies. Others were there to record songs, mix and mastered different songs. The biggest news the entertainment company made was acquiring the latest and most expensive camera in the world, Alexa. The camera and its accessories are said to have cost over N40 million. The production arm of Koga also embarked on production of television soap, Eve, and a yet to be released movie, Heroes and Zeros, directed by Niji Akanji. The icing on the cake was Koga’s reality show, Dance234 and talk-of-the-town concert, Top10 MICS. The concert, according to industry buffs, is the best seen in Nigeria so far.
Tonto Dike
For Tonto Dike, there is no in-between, it is either you love her with untold passion, or hate with equal passion. Tonto is a major newsmaker of 2011. If she’s not making news with her out-of-the-world and eye-popping displays in numerous nude movies; she is getting people to talk about her tattoo. If you didn’t see Tonto’s tattoo in 2011, you definitely didn’t get to know what real news is in the past 12 months. Just when the year was about to end, Tonto gave scholarships to two kids and decided to pay late rapper, Dagrin, a visit. What is Tonto doing beside Dagrin’s grave? You might never be able to tell. Tonto is the kind of brand that stands not for your reason, but her own reason. Lest we forget, she still has the Asaba and Enugu movie mafia in her grip.
Abuse them all you want for lacking in musical depth, but the MoHit crew were the news in 2011. From making the people dance to Oliver, making the Wande Coal trend for the second time, to getting signed on on Good Music owned by Kanye West, MoHit is it on the news blogs. For the record, D’banj became the highest earning musician of his generation in the past 12 months.
Ask anybody about the reigning musician in the industry, they won’t hesitate to tell you it’s Wizkid. The kid singer released a chart bursting album, went up the rank of high-earning musicians and made news for fathering a baby by a Ghana-based Nigerian undergraduate. No concert is complete at the moment without Wizkid heading it.
There were those who graced the red carpet for the fun of it, while others were the ‘ish’ to complete the word ‘distinguish’ on the red carpet.
Their presence lit up the atmosphere and they were topics of discussion long after events were over. Some of the newsmakers chose to be silent without the drama and undue attention that characterize every move of noisemakers.
Identifying the noisemakers isn’t hard. They grace every available red carpet, dress to kill, smile to the paparazzi, walk around, and then leave. They are the first to announce every of their moves on twitter, change Blackberry pictures and issue press releases for all kinds of unworthy news. We won’t waste precious newspaper space mentioning their names; we shall, however, concentrate on those who made the news without the news making them.
Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde
2011 couldn’t have been better for the superstar actress; it was during the course of the year that she attended the Grammy and MoBo awards, and consolidated her place as a premium brand in Nollywood by grabbing only the big budget movies in and outside Nigeria. She became the highest paid Nollywood actress by collecting over N5 million fee for a movie shot in Nigeria. She played alongside Hollywood’s Kimberley Elis, the highly publicized Layla Djanzi’s movie Ties that bound, shot in Ghana. The same year, she starred in Amina alongside high profile British actor in the UK.
Shuga Band
In the business of live performances, Shuga Band topped the chart in 2010. It was expected that the Akin Tofowomo-led band would slow down in 2011, but alas! The critics were wrong. From East, West, North and South, even as far as Sri Lanka, Dubai, and France, Shuga Band grabbed all major events, leaving the rest for other bands. The band headlined Doyin Abiola’s daughter’s wedding in Dubai and shook Sri Lanka with talk-of-the-town performance. Ask any major event person, if you are not talking six digit figures, Shuga Band might be out of your reach.
Ini Edo
A Nollywood observer once said that apart from Genevieve Nnaji, Ini Edo is the actress with the highest number of corporate endorsements - Globacom, Chi, Noble Hair - are some of the corporate bodies that sought brand affiliations with the Uyo-born actress. Aside grabbing the mouth-watering Noble Hair deal in the course of the year, Ini Edo produced two major movies, I Will Take My Chances and Weekend Getaway. She also became the United Nations Youth Envoy on Environment. A United Nations appointment necessitated her visit to dustbin estate, where the despicable sight led her to make the commitment of building a school for the ghetto.
Mahmood Alli-Balogun
He is the type you may want to call “old school’’, especially for age and longevity in the industry. But the grey-beard filmmaker rebranded to teach the “new school’’ some filmmaking techniques. His movie, Tango With Me, went on to become the highest grossing local movie at the cinemas with over N32 million. The movie starred Genevieve and Joseph Benjamin. It is a 2011 record that only Ije beat in 2010.
Funke Akindele
Her story is as inspirational as inspiration could get. With a humble beginning and a teenage role in the popular sitcom, I Need To Know, Funke Akindele, a Lagos indigene, rose to become a force in the English and Yoruba movie genres, where she rose from being an outsider to one of the major players in the industry. Her movie, The Return of Jenifa, a sequel to the popular movie, Jenifa, went on to become the fastest box office movie at the cinemas, grossing over N29 million in just three cinemas. In the course of the outgoing year, she became a bona fide brand and Globacom renewed her appointment as Ambassador, while she starred in So Klin promo advert and reportedly pocketed several millions of naira for her efforts. She was also compere at several events, among them the Ice Prince album launch, and several corporate events.
Rita Dominic
Apart from Omotola, there is perhaps no busier actress on big budget movies than Rita Dominic. She represented Nollywood well in Kenya, where she starred in a big budget movie, Shattered. She was also the lead act in Izu Ojukwu’s movie and ended the year being the executive producer of her movie, The Meeting, alongside her longtime producer, Mildred Okwo. For Rita, it wasn’t all about movies alone, as telecoms giant, Globacom, re-appointed her Ambassador.
KOGA Entertainment
Not many gave the Chris Jeyibo-led entertainment firm a chance at the beginning of the year when Koga opened its door for business. But 12 months down the line Koga is the new song on everybody’s lips in both the music and movie industry. During the course of the year Koga played host to many entertainers, who used one of its four visual studios for music videos or movies. Others were there to record songs, mix and mastered different songs. The biggest news the entertainment company made was acquiring the latest and most expensive camera in the world, Alexa. The camera and its accessories are said to have cost over N40 million. The production arm of Koga also embarked on production of television soap, Eve, and a yet to be released movie, Heroes and Zeros, directed by Niji Akanji. The icing on the cake was Koga’s reality show, Dance234 and talk-of-the-town concert, Top10 MICS. The concert, according to industry buffs, is the best seen in Nigeria so far.
Tonto Dike
For Tonto Dike, there is no in-between, it is either you love her with untold passion, or hate with equal passion. Tonto is a major newsmaker of 2011. If she’s not making news with her out-of-the-world and eye-popping displays in numerous nude movies; she is getting people to talk about her tattoo. If you didn’t see Tonto’s tattoo in 2011, you definitely didn’t get to know what real news is in the past 12 months. Just when the year was about to end, Tonto gave scholarships to two kids and decided to pay late rapper, Dagrin, a visit. What is Tonto doing beside Dagrin’s grave? You might never be able to tell. Tonto is the kind of brand that stands not for your reason, but her own reason. Lest we forget, she still has the Asaba and Enugu movie mafia in her grip.
Abuse them all you want for lacking in musical depth, but the MoHit crew were the news in 2011. From making the people dance to Oliver, making the Wande Coal trend for the second time, to getting signed on on Good Music owned by Kanye West, MoHit is it on the news blogs. For the record, D’banj became the highest earning musician of his generation in the past 12 months.
Ask anybody about the reigning musician in the industry, they won’t hesitate to tell you it’s Wizkid. The kid singer released a chart bursting album, went up the rank of high-earning musicians and made news for fathering a baby by a Ghana-based Nigerian undergraduate. No concert is complete at the moment without Wizkid heading it.

Damilola Purple and Tonto Dikeh
Stella Damasus
I was seven years old then. They took us all to my mother’s village in Owerri. We had a singing competition and I won. The rule was that every household must give me a gift. I got so many gifts than I could handle. That was so memorable.
Francis Duru
As a child, my father would always buy a big cock and would eat special Christmas rice with us. Another memorable experience was going to the church to watch Baby Jesus in a manger and attend Christmas carol. Times have changed, what children want now isn’t what we wanted as children. Things have changed.
Uche Jombo
December 28 is my birthday, so every December is always memorable for me. I don’t separate one from another. I mark my birthday and Christmas in December and, as far as I can remember, they have always been memorable.
Coming from an upwardly mobile family, everyone is so busy and on the go, even at Christmas. So, a couple of years ago, my mum sent me a flight ticket to come home as something serious had happened. Of course, I got into the next flight only to discover it was a prank! And she had sent every other person a return ticket as well just to get the family together for some great thanksgiving and family home-made meal!
Ali Baba
The first Christmas that Xqzmoi, my event centre hosted, besides being fully booked from November 23, 2006, till January 16, 2007, just to see a dream come to life, brought tears to my eyes. I’m working towards another project that would open in February 2012.
Segun Arinze
Being alive every Christmas is always very memorable because God kept me alive by His grace and compassion! I thank him for sustenance of life!
Blessing Egbe
My funniest time of Christmas was way back in the police barracks when the eve of Christmas was a big deal. We would stay up till the break of 25th, decorating the house and going from door to door singing carols in groups. And D-day it was a do or die matter to compare and flaunt your new Christmas dress, wear new shoes, hairdo and earrings. And after visiting every family friend and relation, we would retire to a home full of presents and gifts as compared to who got the most. And on the 26th, all boxes and presents would be opened.
Tonto Dike
My favourite memory of Christmas when I was a kid are new clothes, shoes, jewelleries and I would be unable to sleep at night (eve of Xmas) out of joy, because I couldn’t wait for dawn so I could bathe and slip tiny me into my new outfit to show off in church the next day (December 25th). Christmas was so much fun as a child.
Basket Mouth
My favourite Christmas memory is awkward, it was in 1999, we left school for the Christmas holiday and decided to spend it with my manager back then, Bayo Adekeye, in his home town (Ile Oluji) in Ondo State. His parents were not supposed to be around, but we were surprised with their presence and had to sneak out of the house to squat with some of his friends. It was the first and last Christmas I didn’t eat the traditional Christmas rice and stew. Didn’t even get a Christmas gift; it’s the one Christmas I would live to remember.
Damilola Purple
Its a different ball game now, before i used to watch Tv after church (Xmas Day), my food will be served and i dont have to do anything, i dont have to buy or cook anything... BUT now.. It is OYO (On YOUR OWN). Alot of responsiblity like i have to make sure my siblings are okay and with the fact that you have to make sure your girlfriend or fiancee looks good... mehn.. i wish i can go back to my old to life where i dont have to do anything... Lol.. i am enjoying my life now anyway
Monalisa Chindah
Christmas season brings forth the beauty of Christ, love and salvation. Spending precious moments with my diamond, Tamar, last Christmas left a soothing and lasting memory in me.
My unequalled, unparalleled and unrivalled Christmas would be the very first time I was away from my family during Christmas! Christmas is always with family and I delight in trying to harass the daylight out of them, especially my dad, my sisters and my uncountable cousins!
The memorable Christmas would definitely be in 2008 with P-Square as we invaded Lusaka, Zambia. It was the final leg of their African tour and I was opportune as a media personality to tag along and report the whole event for Soundcity. The whole Zambia besieged us at the airport! We practically had to change hotels like four times, and for every radio interview we did, there were boundless crowd waiting for us outside!
Nigerian pop stars 2face Idibia and Wizkid have denied being signed to Senegalese-American singer Akon’s Konvict/Kon Live record label, stating the news is downright false even though there is a relationship between the parties.
It was earlier reported that Akon had signed the pop singers as representatives to his Konvict Label, after Akon told reporters in Nigeria that he had signed the acts and was looking forward to working with them.
‘In Nigeria with my brothers about to take over Africa with @2faceidibia and @wizkidayo big up to P-square’, @Akon tweeted.
But Now Muzik, 2face’s management company says that 2face hasn’t been signed but has a ‘fantastic working relationship with Konvict/Kon Live’. ‘People must have misinterpreted the news, 2face is however Konvict family’, NM CEO Efe Omorogbe said.
Idibia’s publicist Bayo Omisore, told NET ‘2face has not been signed onto Konvict Music. There are only discussions going on. The agreement we have so far is word of mouth. Until documents are seen, agreed on and signed 2face isn’t signed’.
In similar fashion, Wizkid’s management have also denied the supposed signing; clearly stating that the only label the young singer is signed to is EME. ‘Hey, No Wizkid isn’t signed to any label but Empire Mates Entertainment’, Osagie Osarenkhoe, told us in response to an SMS enquiry .
Attempts to reach Psquare or their reps proved abortive.
Not one is yet sure why Akon went ahead to announce the signings. Enquiries sent to his official E-mail address have not been replied.
A similar instance had happened years back when news of Akon signing 2face’s former band mate Faze surfaced. Faze had told reporters in Lagos he’d been signed on Akon’s Konvict. Akon initially denied, but later, he issued a video release identifying with ‘Faze my home boy’ and assuring fans of a working relationship. The Konvict/Faze deal has, however, yet to see the light of day
It was earlier reported that Akon had signed the pop singers as representatives to his Konvict Label, after Akon told reporters in Nigeria that he had signed the acts and was looking forward to working with them.
‘In Nigeria with my brothers about to take over Africa with @2faceidibia and @wizkidayo big up to P-square’, @Akon tweeted.
But Now Muzik, 2face’s management company says that 2face hasn’t been signed but has a ‘fantastic working relationship with Konvict/Kon Live’. ‘People must have misinterpreted the news, 2face is however Konvict family’, NM CEO Efe Omorogbe said.
Idibia’s publicist Bayo Omisore, told NET ‘2face has not been signed onto Konvict Music. There are only discussions going on. The agreement we have so far is word of mouth. Until documents are seen, agreed on and signed 2face isn’t signed’.
In similar fashion, Wizkid’s management have also denied the supposed signing; clearly stating that the only label the young singer is signed to is EME. ‘Hey, No Wizkid isn’t signed to any label but Empire Mates Entertainment’, Osagie Osarenkhoe, told us in response to an SMS enquiry .
Attempts to reach Psquare or their reps proved abortive.
Not one is yet sure why Akon went ahead to announce the signings. Enquiries sent to his official E-mail address have not been replied.
A similar instance had happened years back when news of Akon signing 2face’s former band mate Faze surfaced. Faze had told reporters in Lagos he’d been signed on Akon’s Konvict. Akon initially denied, but later, he issued a video release identifying with ‘Faze my home boy’ and assuring fans of a working relationship. The Konvict/Faze deal has, however, yet to see the light of day
Merry Christmas to you all. Thanks for making DPB No.1
May God shower blessings upon blessings on you all and your families.
Have a fantastic Christmas celebration. Kisses to all!
May God shower blessings upon blessings on you all and your families.
Have a fantastic Christmas celebration. Kisses to all!
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