Yesterday California was voted by Public Policy Polling to be the most hated state, according to a February 23, 2012 Huffington Post report, "California Most Hated State, According To Recent Poll (PHOTOS)."

After living here since the 1960s, I wonder whether it could be the heavy traffic, air pollution, or the high tax levied on part-time home-based independent contractors of every nature from artists and poets to repair technicians and handymen, gift-wrappers and home organizers, salespersons, tutors, musicians, and web designers or anyone trying to make ends meet. Perhaps California isn't able to compete with the high-paying jobs in North Dakota since oil was found there?

Hawaii is the most expensive state to live in if you're trying to buy a home or looking for affordable rent in safe neighborhoods for families and school kids, but Hawaii was voted the most liked and California the most hated.

The idea of California polled as the most hated state could be related to the fact that most elite school graduates in California tend to live either in the Bay area near San Francisco or near the Silicon Valley area around San Jose, with few elite college grads living in Los Angeles (around 5 percent) compared to most living in the Northeast Boston area or New York and its suburbns.

The results of a national poll by Public Policy Polling about the popularity of each state in the country revealed that the most disliked state in the nation: California. And to top that news, just five states in the country were in the negative territory, including Utah (24 percent of people polled found the state favorable and 27 percent found it unfavorable), Mississippi (22-28), New Jersey (25-32), Illinois (19-29) and California with a whopping 44 percent of those polled viewing the state unfavorably. Only 27 percent of those polled viewed California favorably, and 29 percent had no opinion, according to the Huffington Post article. (Click on the Huffington Post article to see all of the results here.)

Guess who ranked California at the bottom? The Republicans, who according to the polls, noted they 'hate' California. But women and the Democrats ranked California higher. Everyone seemed to vote Hawaii as the most beloved state. The second most liked state was colorful Colorado. Third was Tennessee. Fourth was South Dakota and fifth focused on Virginia.

As the count down went down, each state was ranked lower and lower as far as being liked with California at the bottom of the list, hated like yesterday's discarded leftovers.

Why hate those redwoods? Is it the earthquake predictions that keep coming up on those night time radio shows featuring psychics and scientists? Or is it the hot weather in summer or mild weather in winder?

California is the fifth largest supplier of food to the world. One would think that living in New York on a tiny budget would rank low considering how tiny affordable apartments are these days. Out of 50 states, California ranked last liked. Maybe people are jealous they couldn't all find jobs when they were young and ran off to Hollywood.

Or perhaps the traffic and road rage figured in the poll to some extent. Surprisingly, the rudeness of New York subways didn't sway the polled people over the road rage of California freeways. Or could it be the lack of jobs in California compared to the boom in jobs since oil was found in N. Dakota? See, "Oil boom brings high-paying jobs to North Dakota - Sep. 28, 2011."

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