Ulcerative Colitis affects the inner lining of the rectum and colon, causing it to wear away in spots and leave ulcers.  This wear and tear on the digestive tract can cause severe abdominal cramping, pain and even nausea.

During an Ulcerative Colitis flare, patients often report bloody diarrhea, sometimes containing pus or mucus.

Some patients report a feeling that they have little warning before they need to have a bowel movement, making it difficult to get to a bathroom in time.

During an Ulcerative Colitis flare, some people are awoken during the night due to frequent bowel movements.

Ulcerative Colitis hinders the body's ability to absorb both nutrients and calories.  As a result, people with UC often have nutrition deficiencies and can struggle to keep maintain a healthy weight. 

Many people experience dehydration during an Ulcerative Colitis flare.  It is impoartant to try and drink as much water as possible during a flare to avoid dehydration.

Each patient will experience Ulcerative Colitis in a different way and on a different schedule.  It is important to keep track of the frequency and severity of each symptom to help minimize both the number and severity of UC flares.

The temptation for people with Ulcerative Colitis and other bowel disease is to eat a bland diet which is often low in nutritional value.  Instead, one should strive for varied diet high in vitamins and minerals while paying attention to which particular foods cause flares.

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